Guernsey Press

Gaps remain in oversight of millions in States grants

NOT all States grants meet standards that let government know they are effective and deliver value for money.


The issue of oversight of some £28m. in taxpayers' money being paid to outside agencies in this way was raised in a recent PwC review of Education, Sport & Culture.

It was particularly critical of more than £700,000 paid out each year to the GTA University Centre which the report said had built up significant reserves but there was no way for the States to claw back any of this cash.

A standardised approach to service level agreements and grants was rolled out following a 2015 review by the former Policy Council, but its successor Policy & Resources could not say how many grants were using this new approach nor how many were still to adopt it.

'We found that grants agreed in recent years tended to have the required level of compliance already, in terms of their governance and controls,' a P&R spokesman said.

'We are seeking to ensure that this is the case for all grants, and the process is being rolled out at review points or any other opportune time.'

P&R backed PwC's criticism of the GTA arrangement.

'We believe this is an area that needs to be looked at further,' the spokesman said.

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