Guernsey Press

Centre for young homeless given the green light

GUERNSEY has taken another positive step towards reducing youth homelessness.


GUERNSEY has taken another positive step towards reducing youth homelessness. The NCH Guernsey Youth Housing Project has been granted change of use permission by the Island Development Committee to provide a long-awaited and urgently needed drop-in and assessment centre at 1, St James' Street, St Peter Port. 'I am absolutely thrilled. The IDC has been really supportive throughout the application process,' said project manager Shane de Carteret. 'There are a few small issues that need finalising before we take possession of the property. 'Then it will be a case of preparing and equipping the building to accommodate our service users and the new staff that we intend to recruit. 'The young people who continue to visit us at our temporary office at the Youth Centre ask us repeatedly when we will be moving and are as excited as we are at the prospect,' he said. 'Who says that States departments cannot work co-operatively? 'This is an encouraging example of how the States and the private sector can collaborate to provide really imaginative, cost-effective solutions,' said Mr de Carteret. 'We anticipate some really exciting developments over the next few months as we move into the space and develop facilities which will enable us to start tackling energetically the issues for which we have been mandated by the States.' The NCH warned recently that vulnerable young homeless people could be put at risk unless it could find premises soon. There is an increasing demand for the service and the possibility of providing a base for NCH and emergency accommodation within a single building for a reasonable rent was seen as too good to miss. Mr de Carteret said that the timing of the approval was brilliant - particularly as it is NCH Sunday this weekend. The local Methodist churches will be featuring the charity and its work in many of its services.

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