Guernsey Press

Rovers minis get football tips from the very top

SIR BOBBY ROBSON passed on the benefit of years of football experience when he met youngsters from Rovers AC on Saturday.


SIR BOBBY ROBSON passed on the benefit of years of football experience when he met youngsters from Rovers AC on Saturday. The Newcastle FC boss and former England manager was in Guernsey to present a cheque for £2,500 on behalf of sponsor the Kraken Group. But he seemed most at home on the pitch and took part in an impromptu 30-minute coaching session with members of Rovers Minis. 'I hope I had the same enthusiasm as the kids,' he said. 'They were full of pleasure and joy. They love the game and were slightly excited that I was coming. I had a great response.' Everywhere he went, a crowd of hopeful autograph hunters was close behind, which Sir Bobby took in his stride. He signed countless books, footballs and shirts and happily posed for pictures. But he preferred not to hazard a guess as to how England would perform against Turkey later that day. 'I hope very much that we get what we need to qualify, which is one point. But I'm sure that the players will get three. But it's a tough match, it's at a very high level and is competitive and aggressive and the Turks have a lot to play for.' Sir Bobby acknowledged his own side's shaky start to the season, but said it was early days. 'Of course we can turn it around,' he said. 'We finished third last year and fourth the year before that. 'People have got to understand and not to create a panic and confusion. 'There's a resolve in the club to get it right. I'm confident about what will happen at St James' Park. We've got some very good players.' Kraken Group, which sponsored new kit for Rovers Minis, has been operating in Guernsey for nine months. 'When we first came to Guernsey, we wanted to do something for local sport,' said Kraken chief executive Karl Fowler. 'Our goal is to find the next Matt Le Tissier.' The group became involved with Rovers because Paul Murphy, who works for Kraken, also coaches at the club. 'He said they needed training tops. It was such a natural fit.' Colin Murdoch, from Rovers AC, said the sponsorship would go towards equipment and help pay for trips away. 'I think it's fantastic,' he said. Kraken Group also has offices in London and Madrid. The company may be new, but the people working within it have worked for HSBC, Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs. 'The team all came from London investment banks and each has 15 years in investment banking,' said Mr Fowler. The company offers accounting, tax and arbitrage solutions, said Mr Fowler, and includes famous sportsmen and women among its clientele. 'A lot of our clients fall into the high-net-worth family-office bracket.'

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