New pool boost
SWIMMING is set to get a new six-lane, 25m pool at the new Les Nicolles schools site.
SWIMMING is set to get a new six-lane, 25m pool at the new Les Nicolles schools site. With backing from the States, the development, agreed between the Education and Culture and Leisure departments following talks with the Guernsey Amateur Swimming Association, should be complete by September 2007.
Negotiations have seen the original plans for a four-lane pool extended. But an eight-lane development, with a warm-down pool and spectator seating, was ruled out on grounds of cost.
Culture and Leisure is putting an extra £1m. into the project to cover the cost of the extension, which also includes extra changing facilities and some limited spectator seating.
'This will meet the most pressing needs of the sport and considerably relieve the pressure on the pool at Beau Sejour,' said a spokesman.
All training for the island's clubs would move to Les Nicolles, leaving the leisure centre pool free for casual public swimming. Major galas are likely to stay at Beau Sejour.
'There's no doubt that this is a step forward for the sport,' said Derek Laine, president of Gasa.
'Out of school hours it will be dedicated to training for the sport and it's going to make a difference.
'Swimming is now at the peak of its development. The sport is constrained at Beau Sejour.'
Laine welcomed the cash injection from the States into swimming.
'Obviously we would say that the States is diverting resources to a very worthwhile sport. We argue that swimming touches more households and families in Guernsey than any other sport. It's a massive sport for the island and cradle-to-grave too.'
The States debate the proposals at the end of the month as part of the £47m. Les Nicolles schools development package.