Guernsey Press

Masterclasses from England number one

FOR four days this week English number one table tennis player Alan Cooke has been putting experienced senior players through their paces.


FOR four days this week English number one table tennis player Alan Cooke has been putting experienced senior players through their paces. As part of the two-week Guernsey Festival of Table Tennis, Cooke has been holding a master class that has been attended by players from the UK, Guernsey, Jersey and Alderney.

Cooke who now spends 70 per cent of his time coaching, believes the daily sessions that last between five and six hours have been well received.

'We look to give them ideas on how to practice effectively and improve their game,' said Cooke.

'Day two was physically hard for them but they've come through that and now they're back on the up.'

'As a job, its not a chore in the least because you're working with such enthusiastic players and for some of the players here they never had the opportunity to be coached when they were younger.'

Don James, 52, from Worcestershire was full of praise for the event.

'I haven't done a fully intensive course for 20 years, but this has been amazing. Four of us came over together as it was an opportunity to get some good quality table tennis in and to visit a place we'd never been to before,' said James.

A masterclass for the island's top juniors is to be held next week by English top 20 player John Hilton.

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