Guernsey Press

Alderney Airport seeks more private investors

ALDERNEY Airport will not be developed unless another private investor comes in.


ALDERNEY Airport will not be developed unless another private investor comes in. Unperturbed by the recent pull-out of millionaire 'saviour' Terry Holding, Public Services has announced it will seek other invitations for a public-private partnership.

The Alderney Working Party, which includes States members from both islands, met yesterday morning in Guernsey.

'We still believe the only way in the imminent future that capital could be provided for development at Alderney Airport is through private hands - it's very unlikely that the States of Guernsey is going to be in a position to allocate capital,' said Public Services minister Bill Bell.

'While Terry Holding suggested an across-the-board investment, it might well be that we have individuals and companies coming forward to develop hangars and the like separately. But we're open to any suggestions. We're really saying the door is open and if people have got any ideas, come and talk to us.'

In a statement issued jointly by Deputy Bell and Alderney States member John Postlethwaite, the party expressed disappointment that Mr Holding's company, HBC, pulled the plug on a proposed £10m. investment due to public opposition.

'The meeting noted that the master plan for Alderney Airport was about to be completed and that this would set into place an indication of how any development could be progressed,' it added.

'It is inevitable now that any such development will have to rely on private investment, given the severe constraints on public funding.'

The plan has been drafted and a completed report is expected in a few weeks. It will be made public and identify the best strategic use of land within the airport boundary and possible sites for future development opportunities.

'Once the plan is finalised, invitations for private development will be sought. This method of public-private co-operation has worked successfully at Guernsey Airport over recent years, especially in respect of hangar development, and such opportunities could also exist for Alderney Airport.'

Individuals or companies with ideas are being invited to contact the Guernsey Airport director.

'The Public Services Department remains concerned over the heavy subsidy required at Alderney Airport and will continue, in conjunction with its Alderney colleagues, to strive to find ways to reduce that subsidy. Work on additional income opportunities and controlling costs will continue as a matter of urgency.'

Alderney Airport runs at a loss of £500,000 a year and Mr Holding's offer would have led to a new airport terminal, hangarage and a longer runway.

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