Bowditch matches her best ever TT
ANN BOWDITCH has equalled her best national time-trial placing.
ANN BOWDITCH has equalled her best national time-trial placing. The Sarnian star finished a superb fifth in the first round of the National Rudy Project Time Trial Series in Kent.
It was the opening race of Bowditch's season and she appeared for her new team, Science in Sport.
'I decided to start my racing later than usual this year and it is unusual for my first race to be a national event so I was pleased to get a good result under my belt,' said the Guernsey rider.
The forecast leading up to the event was for snow but fortunately for the competitors there was a break in the weather, making conditions good.
The course was shortened from an original distance of 24 miles to 11 due to roadworks and was over rough roads meaning that the riders had to be alert in order to avoid the many potholes scattered around.
The race started on a fast downhill section where riders reached speeds in excess of 30mph. The middle part consisted of undulating road aided by a tail wind, with the final section kicking off with a 10% climb of just over a mile before a final blow out to the finish.
The race was won by Julia Shaw, the British time-trial champion who held the fastest times for 10 and 25 miles in the UK last year.
Bowditch has yet to start her high-intensity training and is looking forward to getting a few more races under her belt, which will improve her form.
She will be competing in the second round of the Rudy Project Series in south Wales this month.