Guernsey Press

'Blaze could have killed my children'

A FATHER feared for the lives of his family after his shed burnt down on Friday night.


A FATHER feared for the lives of his family after his shed burnt down on Friday night. Robert Kerry, 34, was at home with his wife and two young children when the 20ft wooden structure suddenly went up in flames.

'My biggest worry is if this had happened when we were asleep. I think it would have been a lot worse,' he said.

'That's what worries me. If it was deliberate, then you're not talking about just property damage: we're getting close to people's lives.

'It could have been my son. It could have been my daughter. If they're just playing a game, then property can be replaced, but these things can't.'

Mr Kerry was in the kitchen when the electricity cut out.

'I looked out the window and the whole shed was suddenly on fire.

'I opened the back door and it was in full flow. You could feel the heat. It cracked the glass in the kitchen window.'

Just 20ft of patio separated the shed from the family's home. Mr Kerry reckoned the flames were more than 25ft high.

'As I was stood outside, something exploded and I thought, ?we've got to get the kids out of the house straight away?.'

The two youngsters, aged two and eight, were taken to a neighbour's house. Mr Kerry, who is employed as a youth worker at the NCH, waited outside with his 28-year-old wife until emergency services arrived at their home in Ruettes Brayes, St Peter Port.

Police are treating the fire as suspicious.

The blaze destroyed thousands of pounds-worth of mountain climbing gear, tools, a tumble dryer and freezer, as well as a box of family pictures.

'The other things you can buy again, but you're never, ever going to replace those memories.'

Three gas canisters were also close to the shed but fortunately did not explode.

'It's lucky it wasn't dry outside.

'It could have taken the whole lot out, four or five homes, all with families

and kids in them.'

Mr Kerry said it was time the arsonists who have been wreaking havoc across the island were stopped.

'If it was intentional, then we're getting a bit across the border now. People do know who it is - and I know how difficult it is - but they've got to say something because it's going to be too late soon.'

A fire appliance was called to the scene at about 10pm and left shortly after midnight.

Neighbour Sandra Crittell, 61 said: 'I was sitting reading when I heard a big bang. A neighbour called to see if I was all right because she could see a huge flame. I was a bit concerned, especially when it's flames that high. But the fire brigade were there and seemed to have it under control.

'I think it makes you more nervous when it's so close to home.'

Six other properties have fallen victim to suspicious fire attacks over the past week. A lorry, a JCB and two sheds were destroyed in St Martin's. Elsewhere, a bungalow was torched and attempts were made to set fire to the Wayside Cheer during a burglary.

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