Guernsey Press

No-show leaves Bowditch on solo run at first event

ANN BOWDITCH has experienced her first National Track Championships held at Manchester Velodrome.


ANN BOWDITCH has experienced her first National Track Championships held at Manchester Velodrome. Competing in the pursuit over 3km covering 12 laps of the track and being unseeded, the Guernsey star found herself as first rider off.

There are only ever two on the track at any one time and riders start at each end of the track with the intention to catch your competitor, hence the name of the race, 'pursuit'.

However, despite signing on 30 minutes earlier, Bowditch's opponent did not show, leaving the Sarnian as a solo rider.

For Bowditch there were some new experiences.

She had never used starting gates, although these did not pose her any difficulties as she put in a respectable 25sec. first lap.

'The first lap is always slower than the others due to the time taken to get on top of the fixed gear and get up to speed,' Bowditch explained.

Riding for SIS, Bowditch looked a little ragged on the first few laps as she became accustomed to the new track and the sponges, which are laid out over the course to ensure riders do not cross inside the black line.

'The idea is to be pinned to the black line which is the shortest way around the course.

'The sponges are there to stop you cutting the course short. If you hit a sponge, it's not a great problem but it's best to stay above them as it is difficult to keep your line otherwise.

'I had a few moments in the first two laps on the corners where I wasn't riding the line well and that cost me time,' she said.

Bowditch posted a time of 4min. 9sec. placing ninth, which was just outside the qualification to go through to the final eight.

'I feel I am a long way from my potential on the track having managed only four visits to the velodrome since taking up the discipline.

'It is a tough discipline and we are competing against some of the best competitors in the world as Britain has a fantastic track team.

'I would, however, have liked to have made the final eight so that I could have had an opportunity further to gain experience from riding the event,' she said.

* The podium was filled by GB riders, with Rebecca Romero taking gold, Nikki Harris silver and Joanna Rowsell bronze.

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