Guernsey Press

Shipwreck find shows 'triumph of guns'

ARCHAEOLOGIST Mensun Bound is adamant that a 16th-century cannon raised from Alderney's Elizabethan wreck is full of surprises.

The 16th-century cannon is hoisted from the sea, where it had lain for more than 400 years. (0592795)

ARCHAEOLOGIST Mensun Bound is adamant that a 16th-century cannon raised from Alderney's Elizabethan wreck is full of surprises.

Oxford lecturer Mr Bound directed the cannon's raising in the waters off Corblets Bay on Thursday afternoon and has since spoken of his joy, relief and excitement.

Mr Bound said: 'It was a testing day. Poor conditions prevented us from diving in the morning and it was touch and go as to whether we would go for it in the afternoon.

'Thankfully, everything came together at just the right time. The weather improved dramatically and the harbour master gave us the green light. The divers then did a superb job and we ended up bringing a magnificent example of 16th-century warfare to the surface.'

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