Guernsey Press

Sheep race needs ewe for fun time

I HAVE been asked by Rossford de Carteret, who seems to look upon raising money for the Professor Saint Medical Fund as a personal crusade, to remind people – and particularly the hundreds from Guernsey who support this charity so generously – that the annual sheep racing meeting is not far away.


I HAVE been asked by Rossford de Carteret, who seems to look upon raising money for the Professor Saint Medical Fund as a personal crusade, to remind people – and particularly the hundreds from Guernsey who support this charity so generously – that the annual sheep racing meeting is not far away.

Saturday 5 July is what they are calling Newmarket Day, while the Sunday is Ascot Day, when everyone is expected to enter into the spirit of the occasion and dress appropriately. Although I haven't a programme to hand – no doubt someone will tell me it's a race card – I presume that means that the customary best hat and finest waistcoat competitions will be held.

I have no doubt also that what used to be euphemistically described as 'the usual course amenities' – in the days when gambling was frowned upon, if not unlawful – will be available, which means that 'Honest' Dave Cocksedge and the 'Punters' Friend' Jimmy Williams will be on hand taking bets.

The meeting is always a wonderful family occasion and, with the Sark Water Carnival remaining in hibernation, for a number of reasons, it is the principal fund-raiser for the Professor Saint Medical Fund, which subsidises the cost of prescribed medication for island residents.

However, there is plenty of activity this weekend, which sees the annual visit of the celebrity-studded Lord's Taverners cricket team who take on the Seigneur's XI – an autograph hunters' paradise if ever I saw one.

There'll be the usual sumptuous lunch – for those who can afford it – but even if visitors decide to have a picnic on the grass, they should make time to look in on the auction that is usually held after everyone has eaten and quenched their thirst.

In terms of raising money, I doubt that I've ever seen anything like it, with literally thousands of pounds being spent in minutes.

Preceding that, this evening sees the first children's Picnic in the Park – a real family occasion, I'm told – which takes place on the newly-seeded play area just off

The Avenue. There's food and entertainment and it promises to be a lot of fun – for children of all generations.

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