Guernsey Press

Halloween Gallery

Islanders took part in a family Halloween party on Friday night, 31 October.


Islanders took part in a family Halloween party on Friday night, 31 October.

Copies of the photos in this gallery may be ordered from our Photo Orders site.

Castle Cornet - Samantha 4, Paula and Nick Whalleynextpage
Castle Cornet - Joe Hibbs 6 as Harry Potternextpage
Castle Cornet - Frankenstein's assistants L>R Emily Edwards and Michelle Teednextpage
Castle Cornet - Luke Hince 11 and Bertie Charman 11nextpage
Castle Cornet - Bliss Billson 4nextpage
Castle Cornet - Witch Lesley Perchard tells scary talesnextpage
Castle Cornet - Christa Tee and Anya Tee aged 5nextpage
Castle Cornet - Vampire in the foreground is Eloise Ballay 11. behind from the left, Will Fairbairn 6, Lydia Batchelor who is celebrating her 8th birthday today and Holly Fairbairn 8nextpage
Castle Cornet - Eloise Ballay 11nextpage
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