Builders push for States to back projects
NOW is the time for the States to spend, according to the Guernsey Building Trades Employers Association.

NOW is the time for the States to spend, according to the Guernsey Building Trades Employers Association.
A Commerce and Employment survey has revealed falling confidence in the construction sector as tough economic conditions start to bite.
There are 3,000 people employed in the sector and the association is lobbying deputies to ask them to remember local firms when embarking on the proposed £300m. capital spending programme.
'What people see now is that in the private sector people aren't borrowing, they aren't so sure of finance to raise money for things, so they are holding back. If the States decided not to do much as well, it would be a double whammy,' said GBTEA president Mark Palfrey (pictured).
He said the conditions provided the States with a good opportunity.
Treasury and Resources is recommending borrowing £175m. to help fund the programme, but that will face a sustained challenge in the States as members work on an alternative funding strategy.
Mr Palfrey acknowledged that borrowing money was a difficult thing to do.
'It becomes a burden in the future, but those people will have the benefit of the facilities provided. I can't see another way in which Guernsey can afford those facilities. Someone's going to have to come up with a very clear understanding of what Guernsey's not going to have if it doesn't borrow money.'