Guernsey Press

Business leaders back the Rational Alternative scheme

AN alternative scheme for disposing of the island's refuse is being backed by the Chamber of Commerce.

GUERNSEY would be better off going back to the days when deputies were unpaid, a former States member believes.
GUERNSEY would be better off going back to the days when deputies were unpaid, a former States member believes.

AN alternative scheme for disposing of the island's refuse is being backed by the Chamber of Commerce.

That emerged yesterday follow the formal launch of rival plans to Public Services' £93m. integrated solution at Longue Hougue.

Chamber said: 'We find ourselves supporting this alternative proposal for two main reasons: firstly economic, in the sense that this is much cheaper and secondly, this seems to be a far more environmentally sensitive solution whilst also actively encouraging further recycling.'

Former deputy chief minister and Garenne Group chairman Stuart Falla (pictured) also backs the plans from the group led by businessman Rupert Dorey.

'I wholeheartedly support you and your colleagues,' Mr Falla wrote to Mr Dorey yesterday.

The Rational Alternative claims it would cost the island around £180m. less than Public Services' proposal over its 25-year lifetime and cost £19m. up front - a saving of £74m.

Mr Dorey said its much smaller plant would extend Mont Cuet landfill's life for 50 years.

'It is a simple, logical, modular approach that is designed to deal with the right amount of waste, not a huge expensive option that will disincentivise the island from recycling.'

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