Tardif and Mourant set to feature on open show card
TWO local women are set to box in the October Open Show.

TWO local women are set to box in the October Open Show.
Following the Amalgamated Boys Club's decision in April to open the doors of their St Martin's gym to women, they have been inundated with females wanting to have a go at the sport.
They now hold weekly Thursday evening sessions.
And the club's head coach, Graham Guilbert, is looking for UK opponents to fight islanders Stevie Tardif and Emma Mourant (pictured) at the Beau Sejour show.
The event, which is open to the public and is always a sell-out, is on Saturday 20 October.
'I'm hoping that Emma is going to be ready as well.
'Whether I can get them matched up is another thing, but there's a lot of novices in the UK so it should be all right.'
The 16-year-old Tardif is the more experienced of the pair.
She is the step-daughter of club member Ollie Bailey and has been doing pad work at home for a while.