Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 27 October, 2009

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Dr D. Foulger – erect two glasshouses and create ramp and steps at Candie House, Candie Road.

Mr and Mrs Guille – change of use of self-catering accommodation to residential at Beulah, Rue des Bergers.

Mr and Mrs I. Glass – extend and alter dwelling (revised) at Le Bourg, Route du Tertre.

Miss S. Dodd – demolish section of roadside wall to create vehicular access, relocate gate pillar and reduce height of remaining roadside wall at Whitehaven, L'Aumone.

Mr and Mrs Martin – demolish section of roadside wall to widen existing vehicular access at The Lodge, L'Aumone.

Mr D. Nettleship – erect a polytunnel at Lachette, Rue Cohu.

Dr and Mrs J. Erskine – install three rooflights and a dormer window at Woodleigh, Rue Cohu.

Mrs J. Brown – remove hedge and fence and erect boundary walls at Bru's Retraite, Rue de Friquet.

Mr and Mrs Ward – extend and alter dwelling and raise ridge height of roof (revised) at Jakala, Route de la Hougue du Pommier.

Mr C. S. Falla – reduce height of gate pillar at Galaad Methodist Church, Rue de Galaad.

Mr C. S. Falla – reduce height of gate pillars and close pedestrian gateway at Galaad Methodist Church schoolroom, Rue de Galaad.


Mr and Mrs N. Brouard – erect glasshouse and reinstate boiler room and pump house at Clemrose, Rue des Fosses.

Mr P. R. A. and Mrs M. Rutter – extend and alter dwelling, block up existing and create new vehicle access at Les Tourelle, Rue des Villets.


Mr and Mrs P. Norman – change of use of dwelling to residential use class four – use of first-floor of garage as an office at Le Courtil Cache, Rue de la Cache.

Rangers Football Club – construct new football ground, including new club house, football pitch, training area and car parking area at Les Vauxbelets, La Mare/Route de St Andre, Le Bouillon.


Mr and Mrs J. Ede-Golightly – extend and alter dwelling and install rooflights at Bluebell Cottage, La Route de Sausmarez.

Mr and Mrs B. D. McNaught – demolish existing and erect replacement extension, re-roof outbuilding, replace doors and windows and convert outbuilding to dower unit at La Vallee, Rue de l'Eglise.

St Martin's Hotel (1987) Ltd — convert lodging house to 36 permanent residential apartments at St Martin's Hotel, Les Merriennes.

Mrs J. Dovey – demolish existing dwelling and erect two detached dwellings with vehicular access at Windmill Bungalow, Clos du Moulin, Steam Mill Lanes.

Mr and Mrs E. Feist – extend and alter dwelling and install rooflights and glazed gable or dormer window (options one and two) at Mon Reve, Longtrac.

Mr P. A. Heaume – demolish dwelling and outbuildings and erect replacement dwelling (options one and option two) at Kaduna, Rue des Grons.

Mr and Mrs P. Briggs – variations to work previously approved – revise north and west elevations (change utility room to conservatory) at La Pastorelle, Icart Road.

La Barbarie Hotel Ltd – alterations to ground and first floor to provide four hotel suites – variations to plans previously approved at La Barbarie Hotel, Saints Bay Road.

Mr and Mrs Le Cheminant – erect a garden store, reposition an oil tank and erect wall at La Porte Rouge, Le Rocher Road.

Mr and Mrs R. Clark – extension and alterations at Le Hurel House, Le Vallon.


Orbit Reality Ltd — conversion of barn to a single unit of residential accommodation, construction of three additional garages, new driveway and parking area, relocate gate pillars and install fencing at Vrangue Manor, La Vrangue.

The Marina Hotel Ltd – variations to plans previously approved (rebuild south and east walls of unit six and install rooflights) at Marine Hotel, Well Road.

Mr J. Upham and Mrs M. Mass – demolish existing premises and erect 13 units of residential accommodation at Upham's Yard, Les Amballes.

Mr A. Milroy and Miss R. Taylor – demolish section of roadside railings, create vehicular access and parking area (retrospective), (reconsideration) at St Honorine, Candie Road.

Ms Carol-Anne Stapley – demolish roadside wall and gate pillar, create parking space and erect fence for temporary period at Eastley, 7, Dalgairns Road.

Ribsand Ltd – change of use of warehouse building to storage/distribution use class 35 for archive storage at Warehouse, Brock Road.

The Ladies' College – demolish existing and erect two-storey building, create glazed link to existing building at The Ladies' College, Les Gravees.

The Ladies' College – extend and alter existing 6th-form common room and create sun terrace and performance space at the Ladies' College, Les Gravees.

Itex (Guernsey) Ltd – change of use of annex three to offices at Itex Ltd, Itex House, La Gibauderie.

Mr Keith S. Friend – demolish section of boundary wall and excavate garden to enlarge vehicle access and car parking space at Finisterre, Route Isabelle.

Mr and Mrs C. Granville – alterations to ground floor and first-floor flats to create one maisonette and sub-divide one flat on second and third floor to create two separate flats at 8, De Beauvoir Terrace, De Beauvoir.

Coupee Lane Ltd – construction of office, archive store and residential development at new development, Coupee Lane, Cornet Street.

Coupee Lane Ltd – proposed four-storey residential development comprising 11 flats with basement parking (revised) at new development, Coupee Lane, Cornet Street.

Mr and Mrs J. Hobbs – erect an attached garage/extension at Pierre du Gue, Newfield Lane, Clos du Roi, Ville au Roi.

Mr and Mrs J. Hobbs – erect roadside walls, gate pillars and gate at Pierre du Gue, Newfield Lane, Clos du Roi, Ville au Roi.


Mr M. Le Noury and Ms K. Sallis – install first-floor terrace, glazed balustrade and alter dormer window (retrospective), erect garage at La Rosiere, Rue St Pierre.

Mr M. Dunster – erect stable block and tack room at Rue du Douit du Moulin.

Mr M. Dunster – erect stable block and tack room at Rue des Paysans a la Pomare.

Mr M. Dunster – erect stable block and tack room at Rue de la Cache.

Mr M. Dunster – erect stable block and tack room at Rue de la Cache.

Mr G. Gallienne and Mr M. Tibbs – replace sheds with barn (revised) at Les Fermes des Sage, Route des Sages.

Mr and Mrs G. Ferguson – extend and alter dwelling (revised) at Les Quatre Vents, La Hougue Anthan.


Mr J. Dame and Miss A. Martin – demolish garage, extend and alter dwelling to form dower unit at Dikusha, Les Grandes Maisons Road.

Mr G. Daniel – extend and alter and convert hall into six flats with parking (revised) at Stoneworkers Hall, Commercial Road, The Bridge.

Mr and Mrs N. D'A. Le Tissier – extension and alterations to create additional accommodation at The Willows, Nocq Road.

Mr and Mrs M. W. Galliott – demolish section of roadside wall to create parking area at Calvados Cottage, Pied des Monts, Delancey Lane.

The heirs of the late Mrs Margaret Renouf – demolish existing semi-detached dwellings and erect three dwellings at Kintyre, Baubigny Road.

The heirs of the late Mrs Margaret Renouf – demolish existing semi-detached dwellings and erect four dwellings at Kintyre, Baubigny Road.

Mr I. McLennan – alter douit and erect retaining walls at Noah's Ark, Braye du Valle.

Mr and Mrs S. Giles – extend and alter and convert existing outbuilding to self-catering unit at Le Grand Fort, Les Salines Road.


Mr and Mrs N. Jehan – extend and alter dwelling, install dormer windows, rooflights and gable windows at La Croute, La Planque.

Mr H. Darby – demolish existing lean-to store and extend guest accommodation at Les Vallettes, Rue de la Fontaine.

Mr and Mrs P. Duquemin – extend and alter dwelling and install roof terrace (revised) at Pre du Rivage, Route de la Perelle.


Mr C. Burke – install cast-iron railing to create balcony at Les Sapins, Rue du Sauchet.


Miss S. Brown – demolish section of boundary wall to create vehicular access and parking at Laarbruch, La Rochelle Road.

Mr and Mrs M. Klucznky – raise ridge height, extend and alter dwelling and create new vehicular access (revised) at Maison Bordelaise, Les Rocques Barrees Road.

Mrs J. Le Page – extend and alter dwelling and construct retaining wall at 2, Les Monmains, Northside.

Wave Telecom – install one additional telecommunication dish on existing mast and install stay wires to the mast at Guernsey Electricity 'D' Station, La Hougue Jehannet.

Ms M. Cowdrey – erect a carport on south elevation and install an oil tank at Sancerre, 5, La Manche Estate, Rue de l'Ecole.

Mr and Mrs M. Bideau – variations to works previously approved to extend and alter dwelling, install rooflights, construct chimney stack and alter fenestration at Veue du Jaon, Les Mielles Road.

Mr and Mrs P. Barnard – convert outbuilding into dwelling at The Emeralds, Longue Rue.

Mrs M. Greenfield – change of use of part of dwelling house to bed and breakfast accommodation and internal alterations at Maison de Bas Villa, La Grande Maison Road.

Mr and Mrs C. Judd – demolish conservatory, extend and alter dwelling at Coromandel, Rue Colin.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by Site Notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the Site Notice.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port during the hours of 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the Planning Tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public Tribunal Hearing.

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