Guernsey Press

Neves wins silver at Crystal Palace

GUERNSEY provided three finalists at the annual English Schools Championships at Crystal Palace, the highlight being Kristina Neves' silver medal winning performance.


[caption id="attachment_39053" align="alignright" width="175" caption="The Sarnian trio at Crystal Palace. From left, James Jurkiewicz, Kristina Neves and Josh Lewis. "]

GUERNSEY provided three finalists at the annual English Schools Championships at Crystal Palace, the highlight being Kristina Neves' silver medal winning performance.

The English schools swimming system works by dividing England into 12 competition divisions each of which selects a representative team for the national finals to decide the fastest swimmers in England.

Guernsey and the Channel Islands fall into Division 12, which is made up of representatives from Dorset, Hampshire, Sussex, the Isle of Wight, Jersey and Guernsey.

Following trials and submitted times, four Guernsey swimmers were selected to represent the division.

They were Kristina Neves, from the Ladies' College, James Jurkiewicz and Joshua Lewis, both from Elizabeth College, and Matthew Girard from the Grammar School.

Unfortunately for Girard he was unable to take part due to an injury.

However, the other three made a good fist of things at the newly refurbished Crystal Palace pool.

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