Guernsey Press

Stop these eyesores spreading

MORE controls are needed to stop the spread of incongruous modern buildings, according to Deputy Al Brouard.


MORE controls are needed to stop the spread of incongruous modern buildings, according to Deputy Al Brouard.

The Western deputy spoke at a planning inquiry at Les Cotils yesterday about how he feared more buildings not in keeping with the island were getting planning permission.

'If you drop two pieces of litter, it's more likely that more litter will be dropped in the same place,' he said. 'Something similar could happen with planning.'

He had seen an increase in modern builds.

'I don't want to see modern glass and steel boxes that jar the eye when I'm driving around the coast.

'I'm OK with modern buildings, but some of the ones going up are making a statement and are standing out.'

He said it was possible to be modern without disturbing the character of the island.

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