Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 10 November, 2009

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Guernsey Water – erect enclosure to house pump control equipment at Frie Plaidy Reservoir, Rue des Morts.

Mr and Mrs R. Williams – extend and alter barn to create ancillary habitable accommodation, install first-floor terrace and install gates at La Masse, Rue de la Masse.

Mr A. Holmes – install dormer windows and rooflights (options one and two) at 2, St Michel, Rue de l'Ange, Rue du Friquet.

Mr I. D. Wainwright and Miss Y. M. Simpson – erect a garden room, remove hedge, demolish section of wall, erect walls and extend and alter parking area at Grandes Rocques Cottage, Les Grandes Rocques.


Mr and Mrs S. Horton – change of use of packing shed to stables at Vue du Manoir, Rue du Manoir.


Mr M. C. Bichard – install temporary storage container on site at The Vinery, Route de la Croix au Bailiff.


Mr C. M. Tomlins – alterations to Arnold Ward and associated works: construct access road, remove tree, resurface parking area, enclose two patient sitting areas and create loading bay at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital, PEH Access Road, La Rue de la Corbinerie.

Sueco Outside Catering Ltd – erect an events marquee with associated facilities and parking from 1 May until 30 September each year at Icart Road.

Mr and Mrs N. Pailing – demolish gatepost and garden wall and section of roadside wall to widen vehicular access and driveway at La Petite Bouvee, Rue des Grons.

Desir Design Ltd – convert and extend existing outbuilding to dwelling house at Icart Farm, Icart Road.

Mrs S. Fish – demolish garage to construct garage/workshop and storage area at Le Val de Becasse, La Rue des Clotures.

Mr G. Wallbridge – demolish existing dwelling and erect new dwelling at Vue du Port, Jerbourg Road.

Mr C. A. Moore – install gable window in west elevation at Vue du Vallon, Le Varclin.


Howard Holland – erect signage (retrospective) at Villa Italia, 35, The Pollet.

Seaquest Marine Ltd – erect two signs at 45/47 Le Pollet.

Manche Holding – variations to works previously approved – increase size of air handling units (retrospective) – revised – at Invicta House, Candie Road.

Treasury and Resources Dept – demolish chimney stacks to west and east elevations of main fire station building, Arsenal Road.

Fairdaniel Investments Ltd – replace entrance door and install guard rail around existing flat roof at Lyric House, New Street.

Marbelle House Ltd – install two rooflights to front and two windows to side at Marbelle House, Brock Road.

Mr and Mrs Dyas – install two rooflights and two dormer windows at Rocquettes Villa, Rocquettes Lane.

Mr R. Martel – variations to works previously approved – increase height of roof and create garage at 1, York House, South Esplanade.

Mrs J. Langlois – remove hedge and create vehicular access at Latrigg, Avenue du Manoir, Ville au Roi.

Mr and Mrs A. Casebow – variations to work previously approved – amend roof and rooflights position, erect garden room, reroof part of glasshouse with slate and demolish existing and erect replacement porch at Les Belles Arbres, Avenue Beauvais, Ville au Roi Estate.


LAH Holdings Ltd – demolish two outbuildings, construct sun lounge and balcony, install two rooflights in existing dwelling and create parking and erect garaging at La Houguette, Rue de la Houguette.

Mr and Mrs I. Kelley – variations to works previously approved – roof pitch, floor levels and ridge height amended, alterations and alterations to fenestration at Mont d'Aval, Rue des Pointes.


NetPlay TV – construct wall and doors on west elevation at Television House, Bulwer Avenue.

Mr J. Damarell and Miss K. Russell – install two rooflights at 10, St Clair Park, Route Militaire.

M. Corbet – extend and alter dwelling at Thorn Place, Rue des Pointues Rocques.

St Mary and St Michael Catholic School – erect sign at St Mary and St Michael School, Rue des Monts.

Mr M. Hooper – demolish wall to create additional parking at Croxley, Les Effards Road.

Mr D. Jackson – enlarge dormers (options one and two) at Sandyview, Sandy Lane.

Mr and Mrs Q. Vohmann – demolish existing and erect replacement dwelling at Chantilly, Sandy Hook, L'Islet.

Mr D. Hobson and Miss Randell – extend and alter dwelling at La Gacilly, Les Martins.


Ms Jenny Webster – install four rooflights at Norton, La Colline des Bas Courtils, Route des Bas Courtils.

Bruce Russell and Son (Gold and Silversmiths) – extend and alter premises at The Pavilion, Bruce Russell and Son (Gold and Silversmiths), Le Gron.

Mr and Mrs D. Maunder – demolish dwelling and outbuildings and replace with two-storey dwelling, alter position of driveway and create earth banks at Saughall, Rue de la Croix Creve Coeur.


Mr R. Walster – extend and alter dwelling at Le Chene, Route du Planel.


Mr B. Robinson – change of use of packing house to commercial store (retrospective) at Bordeaux Vinery, Les Petils.

Mr and Mrs G. Buckingham – erect a garage at Morecompris, Rue des Petites Hougues.

Oscar Holdings Ltd – change of use of first-floor accommodation at Newlands Building, Lowlands Industrial Estate, La Route du Braye.

Mr and Mrs J. F. McKellar – erect porch and install two rooflights (retrospective) at Bramerton, Rue du Marais.

Mr and Mrs A. Hooper – demolish part of roadside wall to create vehicular access and parking at At Last, La Canurie Road.

Mr S. Falla – erect horticultural/agricultural store (retrospective) at San Michelle, Rue du Douit.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by Site Notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the Site Notice.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port during the hours of 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the Planning Tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public Tribunal Hearing.

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