Planning applications - 17 November, 2009
Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Mr and Mrs R. A. H. Bridel – remove conifer hedge and plant replacement hedge at Hilltop, Route de L'Eglise.
Mr and Mrs D. Swiffen – extend and alter dwelling (revised) at Amisfield, Rue Perrot.
Mr and Mrs M. Thornton – extend and alter dwelling at Le Gouffre Lodge, Rue du Gouffre.
Mr R. Moullin – erect a conservatory at Sherwood, 1, Les Petits Nouettes, Les Nouettes.
Mr G. Newark – demolish existing garage/shed, demolish roadside wall/hedge/earth bank, erect new roadside wall and planter, create new vehicular entrance/s and extend garden wall (Options A and B) at Manoir Sur La Colline, Rohais de Haut.
Mrs V. Hanley – to widen vehicular access at Tershanesa, Les Ruettes.
Mr and Mrs A. J. Bourgaize – install first floor balcony at La Chaumette de L'Orme, Rue du Monnaie.
Mr and Mrs Goldsbrough – install glazed gable to garage at Les Roulins, Rue des Viviers, Le Vauquiedor.
Mr and Mrs Goldsbrough – install patio doors at Les Ruulins, Rue des Viviers, Le Vauquiedor.
Mr M. Le Patourel – erect machinery store at Le Clos D'Hy, Les Mourants Road.
Mr and Mrs P. Briggs – variations to previously approved extensions and alterations – revise windows from timber to UPVC at La Pastorelle, Icart Road.
Mr and Mrs P. Watson – enlarge dormer window at Anfre, Calais Lane.
Mr and Mrs P. Watson – remove garage door and install three windows at Anfre, Calais Lane.
Mrs J. Swiffen – extend and alter dwelling (revised) at Farndon, 5, La Hameau, Route de la Ramee.
Comprop – construct paved built-out area in front of the former Bucktrout's building at former Bucktrout's warehouse, Glategny Esplanade.
Coombe House Ltd – erect balcony extension at first, second and third floor at Coombe House/Bel-Voir Cottage, Les Canichers.
Coombe House Ltd – erect a conservatory (first floor) at Coombe House/Bel-Voir Cottage, St Julian's Avenue.
Mr L. Deighton – rebuild lean-to glasshouse at Millmount, Candie Road.
Mandy Davies – replace existing window with French window and install steps at Flat 1, Waverley, Doyle Road.
Mr and Mrs D. Cotterill – install dormer window (revised) at Fernhill, Les Camps Collette Nicolle.
Dragoslav Vasic – install flue and extractor fan (retrospective) at 16, Fountain Street.
The City of Paris – install handrails at Hauteville House, 38, Hauteville.
Mr and Mrs J. Ensink – variations to plans previously approved – extend and alter dwelling at Wingfields, Fort Road.
Cable and Wireless Guernsey Ltd – remove hedge and replace boundary fence at Centenary House, La Vrangue.
Miss M. Bichard – change of use from part dwelling to hair salon at West View, Route des Adams.
Mr and Mrs Regan – erect a conservatory at 11, Courtil Leonie, Les Grandes Maisons Road.
Mr and Mrs P. Birtwistle – remove section of boundary wall to create vehicular access and parking area at Pasadena, Nocq Road.
Mr J. Ogier – extend and alter dwelling and install dormer window at 1, Roland Road.
PLF Properties Ltd – extend rear dormer at Capelles Building Stores, Les Petites Capelles Road.
Mr and Mrs D. Le Noury – extend and alter dwelling and erect a garage at Rivendell, Les Basses Capelles Road.
Mr and Mrs G. Le Poidevin – construct sun lounge at Vue de L'Est, Route des Piques.
Ms B. Link – erect single storey rear extension at Belle Isle, 5, Vue de Mer, La Rue de la Vallee.
Mr B. Robinson – redevelopment of glasshouse to canoe and kayak centre at Bordeaux Vinery, Les Petils.
Mr D. Rumens – install three rooflights and a first floor window at Little Haven, La Grande Rue.
Island Traders (Wholesale) – extend retail premises and change of use of self-catering unit no. 4 to a flat at Keyprice/Clos du Valle Apartments, Les Mielles Road, L'Ancresse.
Mr I. Thomas – erect two storey extension and alter dwelling at Copper Beech, Rue des Fleurs, Les Prins Estate.
Mr and Mrs B. Richards – variation to works previously approved to extend dwelling at first floor level – raise ridge height on dower unit, increase length and design of pitched roof (retrospective) at Gracelands, Le Houmet.
It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.
However, if also advertised by Site Notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the Site Notice.
Minor applications may not be included as part of this list.
However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port during the hours of 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.
Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the Planning Tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public Tribunal Hearing.