Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 15 December, 2009

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


P. and A. Nicholson – demolish existing ground floor extension, erect sun lounge on north elevation and re-align drive at Le Gele, Le Gele Road.

Mr and Mrs Foote – demolish existing and erect garage and car port at Les Etoiles, Les Beaucamps.

Mr G. Clacy – erect a conservatory (retrospective) at Courtil Cottage, Rue Cohu.

Mr and Mrs D. M. Cunningham – extend and alter dwelling at Cherry Tree Cottage, Route de la Hougue du Pommier.


States Education Department – realign earth bank and fencing and erect replacement storage shed at Forest Primary School, Rue des Landes.

Mr and Mrs C. K. Allen – install five rooflights at Les Fontenelles Farm, Rue des Fontenelles.


Mr and Mrs C. Bentley – extend and alter and sub-divide dwelling to create two dwellings (revised) at 3, Les Maisonnettes, Rue des Varendes.

SINS Property Holdings Ltd – demolish buildings and erect workshop/store and ancillary office with associated parking area. Install security gate and erect fence at Route des Fauconnaires.


Mr and Mrs Middleton – erect detached double garage, install pillars and gates at vehicular entrance and build garden wall at Cedarways, Calais Lane.


Fairscape Homes – variations to works previously approved – alter fenestration to south-west elevation.

Mattalex Ltd – remove garage door and replace with window and blockwork, block up existing window, install new window on north elevation at Steppingstone, 3, Belmont Rise, Les Croutes.

Mr and Mrs A. Hughes – extend and alter dwelling, construct walls on south and roadside boundaries and landscaping at Trebdon, Le Foulon.

McAulay (Market Buildings) Ltd – erect two signs (Church Square elevation – HMV) at The Guernsey Market (HMV), Fountain Street.

McAulay (Market Buildings) Ltd – erect two signs (Market Square elevation – entrance to inner street) at The Guernsey Market, Fountain Street.

McAulay (Market Buildings) Ltd – erect two signs (Market Street elevation) at The Guernsey Market (New Look), Fountain Street.

Mr and Mrs P. Morrey – alter existing vehicular entrance at The Manor House, Mount Row.

Mr B. De Freitas – construct covered walkway (protected building) and erect shed/store (all retrospective) at 64, Hauteville.

Mr J. Tostevin – install swimming pool and construct a tennis court with perimeter fencing at Les Cheneaux, Montville Road.

Ms S. Scott – creative vehicular access (retrospective) at La Baumette, Clos de Belvedere, Fort George.

Ms S. Scott – enlarge domestic curtilage at La Baumette, Clos de Belvedere, Fort George.


Mr and Mrs P. Strachan – demolish conservatory and replace with an orangerie at Le Grais, Route des Sages.


Mr A. Cunningham – install five rooflights, install windows in north and south gable ends at roof level and demolish chimney stack and flue at Valdemosa, Les Petites Mielles.


Mr and Mrs N. Gamble – redefine domestic curtilage at Les Prevosts Farm, Rue des Caches.


Mr and Mrs P. Young – extend and alter dwelling – demolish glasshouse, erect sunroom to east elevation at Torcamp, Le Dehus Lane, Kings Road.

Mrs R. Mahy – replace existing aluminium dormer windows with uPVC at Karma, Route des Coutures.

Stan Brouard Group – erect new industrial unit (phase 1) at Stan Brouard Ltd, Landes du Marche.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the notice.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, during the hours of 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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