Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 26 January, 2010

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Mr and Mrs I. Stokes – erect two storey and single storey extension to rear, install rooflights and erect entrance porch at Dunes Houses, Les Dunes, Vazon Road.


Mrs A. Foy – demolish section of wall, create new vehicular access, erect wall and traffic mirrors (revised) at Glendale, Route de la Croix au Bailiff.

Icart Properties Ltd – variations to works previously approved to create two separate residential units – install door and block up window on north west elevation and alter parking at Beaumont, La Villiaize Road.


Mrs J. Martin – demolish roadside wall and pillar to create vehicular access and parking area at 13, Les Camps Terrace, Les Camps.

GDS Ltd – construct new vehicular access and parking area at Pres La Cour, Le Courtillet.


Education Department – erect boundary fencing (retrospective) at Guernsey College of Further Education, Route des Coutanchez.

Mr T. Z. Archer and Mrs N. W. Wild-Archer – erect pigeon loft/shed at Ground Floor Flat, Ballater, Maurepas Road.

Mr and Mrs S. Woodhead – variations to work previously approved – extension to be constructed with flat roof and parapet at Chatelard, Amherst Road.

Cornwall Place Owners Association – install five metal bollards at land adjacent to Cornwall Place, Le Bouet.

Mr G. Smale, centre manager – remove the tree at rear of property at Les Cotils, Les Cotils.

Mr R. Smith, c/o David Torode Architects/Surveyors – convert dwelling into three flats, alterations to fenestration, remove two chimneys (north-east elevation), replace existing roof-covering with terracotta concrete roof tiles, demolish existing single-storey extension at rear and replace with single-storey extension, and alterations at 3, Allez Street.

Mr and Mrs J. Barker – demolish outbuildings and erect new rear extension (revised) at The Anchorage, Doyle Road.

Mr M. Willis – replace lintel and lightwell window in basement at front with uPVC and replace frame and hardwood sash window at rear (retrospective) at 5, Doyle Terrace, Doyle Road.

Mr K. Driscoll – construct earth banks at Baissieres Vinery, Les Baissieres.

Mr H. I. Sines – change of use of ground and first floors from retail to estate agent office at 11A, Mill Street.

Stanley House Ltd – erect pool house at Stanley House, Kings Road.

Mrs J. M. Toon – extend and alter dwelling at Honfleur, Rue Charlotte, Fort George.


Mrs E. M. Brouard – variations to works previously approved to extend and alter dwelling – increase ridge height and width of rear extension at Les Martins, Les Martins.


Health and Social Service Department – demolish existing dwelling and construct units of residential accommodation for people in need of care (Residential Use Classes 3 and 8), fell trees and create vehicular access and parking areas at The Oaks, Baubigny Road.

Mr and Mrs J. Keyte – remove existing fence and conifer hedge, erect boundary wall and erect fence at Miroku, Courtil du Puits, Les Petites Capelles Road.


Mr and Mrs A. Ford – extend and alter dwelling at Bramble Lodge, Clos du Fillage, Le Frie Baton Road.


Mr and Mrs C. Edwards – demolish existing and erect replacement extension to the rear of the property. Raise the ridge height, install roof lights (options for two or four), dormer window and balcony at Le Piaf, Rue de Rougeval.

Giselle Ltd – install two roof lights to the rear of the property and two dormer windows to the front of the property at Les Fontaines, Rue des Portelettes.


Mr and Mrs N. Collins – erect a conservatory at Barracuda, La Route du Braye.

Mr Davey – erect triple garage, mower store and potting shed, and alterations to driveway at Le Corsaire, Ville es Pies.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port during the hours of 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays. Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the Planning Tribunal in the event of an appeal and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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