Bride-to-be wants Ridunian ideas
A WOMAN with Alderney family ties is asking for islanders' help ahead of her impending marriage.

A WOMAN with Alderney family ties is asking for islanders' help ahead of her impending marriage.
Houguez Le Sueur is planning to wed Robert James Dawson in Australia this year.
And as her maternal family are Ridunians, she is keen to include an Alderney custom or tradition in her wedding ceremony.
Houguez explained her Alderney connections.
'My great grandfather was Mr O'Dell. He married Marie Houguez Batiste and they had four girls, Mary, Betty, Margaret (Mig) and Gerty (Gig). They lived in the old house on the Butes which had a stone roof and was called Hill Side Cottage.
'My grandmother was Betty, who married a Blizard. They had two girls; my mother Joan, and Rosemary.'
Some locals may remember Joan and Rosemary getting married on the same day more than 45 years ago.
Houguez added: 'My mother and aunt had a double wedding at St Anne's Church in 1964.
It was on my mother's birthday, 16 September, which was also the same day the QEII sailed past Alderney.'
Houguez, who was born in New Zealand, has visited the island only once but would love to return.
She said: 'My parents, who came back to Alderney last year, still live in New Zealand. My father was a joiner and my mother a hairdresser. They left Alderney after their friends, Pat and Keith Martel, went to New Zealand. There was also a lack of work at that time.
'Rosemary lives in Australia and married Peter Turner. Rosemary has been back to the island many times.
'The only time I visited was in 1996. I am familiar with the Channel Islands though, as I lived in Jersey for a few years.'
Houguez, whose older brother Piers was born in the island, explained why her Alderney connection is so important.
'There is not much of my family left and this may be the last time that everyone will be together, so I'd like to have this part of my life acknowledged in the wedding.'
Anyone who would like to suggest a special Alderney custom to Houguez should email Houguez.LeSueur@
Numerous artists have already submitted work for an upcoming exhibition at the Pré Studio.
Organiser Paddy Campbell said the open event, called Russet, had struck a chord with the island's painters, sculptors and photographers. He also revealed an 'international artist' had pledged to submit a piece.
'A good response from all over the island and off the island has been received,' said Paddy, who is the Art Club's studio manager.
'Pledges of artworks for the exhibition have been received from an international artist working and selling all over the world, as well as island-based artists. It promises to be an extraordinary show. It will be a challenge to display such diverse artwork but I'm looking forward to it with glee.'
Russet is the first time local artists have been given the chance to show off their work in 12 months.
Paddy, who remained tight-lipped when asked about the identity of the international art star, said: 'Artists I have spoken to say the exhibition gives them an opportunity to show off their work and be seen. It is a chance for them to get their winter paintings from under their beds and show them off.'
He went on to praise the artists' bravery.
'All artists enjoy the experience of putting their work on display. With the public scrutiny it brings, it is an essential part of the art process.
'It is very brave to show one's art locally, as your art really can affect your public persona. However, to hide your artistic light under a bushel is worse than that.'
Russet runs over the Easter weekend, 2-6 April. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 30 March.
For further information contact Paddy on 07781 453148 or email