Guernsey Press

Search for Jonny takes to the air

POLICE looking for a young Guernseyman missing in the United States are planning an air search.

THE search for Jonny Dorey, pictured, is continuing after American police confirmed that a body found floating in Virginia's James River was not that of the local exchange student.
THE search for Jonny Dorey, pictured, is continuing after American police confirmed that a body found floating in Virginia's James River was not that of the local exchange student.

POLICE looking for a young Guernseyman missing in the United States are planning an air search.

Surveillance tapes have showed Jonny Dorey, a 22-year-old Guernsey exchange student, walking his mountain bike away from his Virginia Commonwealth University residence centre at 11.19am last Tuesday.

VCU Police Captain Grant Warren reported that Mr Dorey (pictured), whose parents and brother flew out on Sunday to help in the search, last used his mobile phone that morning and bank records revealed he last made a purchase from a 7-Eleven store that day.

State Police with dogs joined in Monday's search that featured 13 search teams as well as volunteers.

The Facebook campaign that friends and family set up to raise awareness, 'Help Find Jonny Dorey', now has over 12,500 members.

Many have left suggestions of how to help while others, such as Elizabeth College teacher Brian Aplin, have left words of encouragement.

'Jonny is a star, a true Guernseyman,' he said.

'I trust his resourcefulness and strength and hope that he is OK wherever he is.'

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