Guernsey Press

Email lead in search for missing student Jonny

EMAILS have surfaced that might help locate missing Guernsey student Jonny Dorey, who disappeared in America more than a week ago.

THE search for Jonny Dorey, pictured, is continuing after American police confirmed that a body found floating in Virginia's James River was not that of the local exchange student.

EMAILS have surfaced that might help locate missing Guernsey student Jonny Dorey, who disappeared in America more than a week ago.

Bob Beebe, a close friend of Mr Dorey's family who is acting as their spokesman, said he received the string of emails from a local person and thought they could contain key information.

He said their contents were confidential but he had sent them to police in the US.

'I received a transcript of an email conversation last night between a local person and Jonny just two days before he went missing outlining some possible travel plans,' he said.

The former Elizabeth College and University of the West of England student, who is a geography major at the Virginia Commonwealth University, disappeared last Thursday sparking an extensive manhunt by VCU, State Police and volunteer search teams.

Mr Beebe said: 'If anyone locally has any information about Jonny's movements in the last few days, especially perhaps those who have not been in the island for the last few days, or if anyone has had contact with Jonny since last Tuesday by any means, please notify Guernsey Police on 725111 at the earliest opportunity.'

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