Guernsey Press

Bulk Refuse pick-ups to cost £15 as the free scheme ends

PUBLIC SERVICES is to introduce charges for the States Bulk Refuse Scheme.


[caption id="attachment_43355" align="alignright" width="176" caption="Now that Public Services is to charge for its bulk refuse collection scheme some unwanted large items such as soft furnishings can be taken to Mont Cuet,but people will have to pay a small charge."]

From 6 April, islanders will have to pay £15 for general collections.

The service is currently free and has for the past 15 years provided disposal of domestic items that are too large to fit in a car, including beds, furniture, kitchen appliances and boilers.

People have previously been allowed to put three items out for free collection, but the new charge will cover up to five items.

Last year, more than 6,500 collections were made.

The change is one of many that the Public Services are introducing to the scheme.

Anyone who wants to have a vehicle collected and taken to the scrap yard on their behalf will have to pay £30.

Many items covered under the scheme can still be dropped off free at Longue Hougue Waste Recycling Facility.

Others, such as soft furnishings, can be taken to the Mont Cuet site, but people will have to pay a small charge.

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