Planning applications - 27 April, 2010
Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Mr J. Jehan – variations to works previously approved – increase ridge height of garage extension at Meadowcroft, Route de la Mare.
Mr and Mrs A. Gent – install two rooflights (north elevation) at Palm Lodge, Clos des Goddards, Rue des Goddards.
Mr P. Davies – erect extension to side of dwelling and install sun pipe to rear of dwelling at Le Nid, Route de la Hougue du Pommier.
Mr D. Winch – erect a shed (retrospective) at Jolie Chaumiere, Rue du Bigard.
Mr and Mrs A. Patch – demolish existing dwelling and erect new dwelling, erect stables, extend curtilage, erect fencing and construct earthbank at The Hawthorns, Rue du Manoir.
R. W. Randall Ltd – remove existing and erect replacement pergola at Cafe L'Escalier, Rue du Gouffre.
Martyn Guille – change of use to workshop for clock repairs and silversmithing, and showroom for selling clocks, silver, jewellery and giftware, and form cafe with new entrance at Martyn Guille Gold and Silversmith, Les Vauxbelets.
Mr R. Prow – extend and alter dwelling on south elevation and install two roof lanterns at La Jonquiere, Steam Mill Lane.
Mr and Mrs Duquemin – extend and alter dwelling to create a dower unit (side/east elevation), including glazed gable end and rooflights, at La Jaoniere D'Icart, Icart Road.
Mr B. Tyrrell – extend and alter dwelling and create a dower unit (side/south elevation) at Rivendell, Old Mill Road.
Mr and Mrs J. Rolfe – demolish existing and erect a new sun lounge and install raised decking (rear elevation) at The Mount, Guelles Road, Amherst.
Mr and Mrs J. Finch – replace garage door with window at Paramount Drive, 1, Maurepas Clos, Maurepas Road.
Hugo (Guernsey) Ltd – install three air conditioning condenser units to rear of property at Block E, Hirzel Court, Hirzel Street.
Mr and Mrs D. de la Mare – alter ground levels of front garden, erect retaining walls, erect boundary walls and pillars, construct steps and install railings at Sur La Berge, Monument Gardens.
Mrs G. Sines – remove section of roadside wall and hedging to create additional parking space at Mulberry House, Doyle Road.
Miss H. Pullum – extend and alter dwelling, increase height to two storey dwelling and erect a garage (revised) at Cartref, Valnord Lane.
Ms S. Nilsson – demolish existing single storey extension and reconstruct as two storey extension, construct first floor rear extension, ground floor sun lounge and basement garage (south elevation) at Hideaway Cottage, New Place.
Fairscape Homes Ltd – alter vehicular access, install a revolving turntable, create additional parking spaces and install a new disabled lift between car park and dwelling entrance at Mont Altier, Cordier Hill.
Fairscape Homes – variations to works previously approved – alter stairwell window on east elevation (Options A, B and C) at Mont Altier, Cordier Hill.
Arqiva Ltd – install a VSAT dish on existing tower at Hauteville car park.
Mr G. Davies and Mr M. Cass – install entrance gate and pillars (Option 1 and 2) at 65 and 66, La Corniche, Fort George.
Town Centre Partnership – provide granite bench at rear of harbour office at Albert Pier.
Mr and Mrs Trimbee – demolish existing garage, erect a car port and replace garage door with window at The Hollies, Rue des Brehauts.
Mr R. Lovering – to remove a section of a roadside wall to create access, lower the roadside kerb and to pave the drive/parking area at garages off Church Road.
Mr I. Cooper and Miss C. E. Freeman – alterations to front dormer window (glazed cheeks) at Apartment 5A, Caesarea Terrace, South Side.
Mr and Mrs Arnold – demolish existing conservatory and extend dwelling (south elevation) at Duveaux Road.
Stuart Polson – install three portacabins and utilise site as storage compound for temporary period at Barnsfield Vinery, Hougues Magues Lane.
Mr P. Machon – to erect a shed to the rear of property at Carpe Diem, Orchard Drive, Grand Douit Road.
Mr and Mrs M. Gaudion – demolish parapets and install pitched roof on garage and erect car port at White Chimneys, Courtil de Bas Lane.
Mrs J. Gray – extend and alter dwelling to side elevation at L'Ecluse, Rue Sauvage.
Housing Department – create parking in front of each dwelling and alter parking for flats at 1-14, Les Islets Estate, Rue St Pierre.
Arquiva Ltd – install satellite dish on existing tower at Arqiva Transmitting Station, La Rue du Chemin Le Roi.
Mr R. Elliot – widen pedestrian opening to create vehicle access at Cosy Cottage, Les Monmains.
Mr and Mrs Robinson – erect a conservatory at La Cachette, Clos du Grande Rue.
Mr and Mrs N. Le Page – demolish conservatory and erect pitched roof extension and erect sun lounge and lobby at rear (south) elevation and alter openings at Le Nord, Mazotte Lane.
Mr A. Solway – to erect a wall to south and east of property at Casa Dos Sonhos, Route du Picquerel.
It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.
However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.
Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, during the hours of 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.
Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.