Planning applications - 25 May, 2010
Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Mr and Mrs N. Gale – demolish dwelling and erect replacement (revised) – enlarge garage and construct 1/2 storey rear extension at La Chatelaine, Rue a Fresne.
Mr and Mrs S. Weeks – demolish existing and extend and alter dwelling to rear and install rooflights at Zakynthos, Ruette des Delisles.
Mr and Mrs D. McKenzie – replace windows and door and replace wooden lintels with granite to front of property (protected building) at Maison Cohu, Rue de la Porte.
Mr R. Ridout – variations to works previously approved – increase ridge height of garage, raise ridge of dwelling and change roof material to natural slate, alter fenestration, alter size and position of rear dormer windows and install rooflights at Hanley House, Rue des Delisles.
Education Department – replace existing windows with metal frame double glazed windows at Castel School, Rue St Germain.
Mr and Mrs Moherndl – alterations to dwelling – install two dormer windows and one rooflight on south elevation, two rooflights and one dormer window on north at Springfield, Rue des Goddards.
Mr R. McKenzie – erect three signs at Wayside Tavern, Rue de la Saline, Cobo.
Education Department – alter garage doors and install rooflights (southern section of building) at La Mare de Carteret Schools, Route de la Mare.
Mr and Mrs S. Snell – block up window on south side and install window on west side at Akaroa, Route des Farras.
Mr N. Watts – extend dwelling to east, north and west and sub-divide to create two two-storey residential units with associated car parking at Hazeldene, Rue des Landes.
Mr S. Coe and Ms C. Ozanne – extend existing single-storey extension at Baytrees, Route des Fauconnaires.
Mr and Mrs C. Wilson – vary requirements of condition requiring all outbuildings and structures to be demolished by retaining single-storey block built shed at George House, La Villiaze Road.
Churchwarden – erect a boiler house (side/west elevation), (protected building) at St Martin's Church, La Bellieuse.
Mr M. Warren and Miss E. Knowelden – demolish existing dwelling and sheds, erect a replacement dwelling and extend and alter vehicular access; remove earth banks and erect roadside boundary walls at Chez Nous, Rue de Varivary.
Mr and Mrs T. Griffith – raise ridge height, install two dormer windows and five rooflights, balcony and French doors at Chinook, Icart Road.
Social Security Department – erect weldmesh to lower half of external walls at Raymond Falla House, Longue Rue.
Trustees of The Victoria Homes – demolish existing dwelling and erect a dwelling, demolish shed and relocate parking area at Les Blanches Cottage, Les Blanches, La Route de Blanches.
R. W. Randall Ltd – demolish two dwellings and erect 18 flats, refurbish public house and create basement parking at Red Lion Hotel, Le Grand Bouet.
Le Marchant Holdings – change of use of the top floor from residential to office (protected building) at Hadsley House, Lefebvre Street.
Messrs I. Price and L. Taylor – install new windows on east (side) and south (rear) elevations and internal alterations to convert shop to residential unit (protected building) at 22, Fountain Street.
Coupee Lane Ltd – proposed four-storey residential development comprising 11 flats with basement parking (revised) at new development, Coupee Lane, Cornet Street.
Hotel de Havelet Ltd – extend restaurant building and construct mansard roof over to provide additional guest suites (setting of protected building) at Hotel de Havelet, Havelet.
Fort George Estate Co. Ltd – create new area of granite paving at Fort George arch, Rue de Belvedere, Fort George.
Mr and Mrs A. Brouard – demolish and rebuild existing lean-to and erect conservatory to the side of the dwelling at La Collette, Rue de Brehaut.
Ms J. Le Noury – increase height of boundary by fixing fencing panels to wall at Cherry Tree Cottage, Le Marais.
Ferryspeed (Guernsey) Ltd – change of use of part of premises from the commercial storage of goods (storage/distribution use class 30) to use for the transfer or distribution of goods (storage/distribution use class 34) at Hangar East, Longue Hougue Lane.
Fuel Supplies (CI) Ltd – display advertisements on two tanks at Fuel Supplies, Bulwer Avenue.
Mr T. Bourgaize – erect a sun lounge (rear elevation) at Petits Reves, 5, Victoria Avenue.
Mr R. Degrais and Miss D. Gaudion – replace existing roof, raise lean-to roof on rear extension, install three rooflights to front and five rooflights and glazed roof panels to rear, create new window openings and alter fenestration (revised) at Les Martins, Les Martins.
Mr and Mrs R. J. Brehaut – erect a pitched-roof sun lounge on rear (south-east) elevation incorporating three rooflights at Rozel Cottage, Route de la Passee.
Mr M. Gallienne and Ms M. Hockey – demolish existing conservatory and erect an oak-framed extension at Le Virage, Route de l'Issue.
Mr P. Bachmann – replace existing conifer hedge with new conifer hedge at Les Ruettes Cottage, Les Ruettes.
Mr and Mrs R. MacDougall – convert barn to dwelling with associated alterations at Les Comtes Farm, Rue des Comtes.
Mr and Mrs J. Legg – erect a garage and construct new roadside earth bank and alter vehicle access at Au Soleil, Rue de la Croix Creve Coeur.
Mr and Mrs J. Bracegirdle – demolish existing and erect replacement dwelling (revised) at Le Haut Courtil, Route des Laurens.
Mr and Mrs N. Piper – clad dwelling and store, block up garage and install window, block up existing entrance and install window, install new dormer window and rooflights (option one) at Ocean View, Rue du Rocher.
Mr and Mrs N. Piper – install new dormer window on side (north) elevation and install two rooflights on front (east) elevation (option two) at Ocean View, Rue du Rocher.
Mr R. Goldsmith – erect mirror on lamp post at Vale Chapel, Belval Road.
It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.
However, if also advertised by Site Notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the Site Notice.
Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port during the hours of 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.
Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the Planning Tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public Tribunal Hearing.