The Englishman who went up a hill and came down it quickest
AN ENGLISHMAN who resides in Jersey clocked the fastest time of the day in round two of the Holeshot Downhill Series in Herm.

[caption id="attachment_47238" align="alignright" width="176" caption="Rich Payne, an Englishman who lives in Jersey, negotiates the Herm course in round two of the Downhill Series. (Picture by Dave Patten, 0992235)"]

Rich Payne took the overall victory on the course, which has been used as part of the Guernsey Velo Club's series since 2004.
It starts at the top of the hill behind Fisherman's Cottage and descends very quickly down the hillside.
The riders had to negotiate a big rock jump, some tight twisty corners, a three-metre long rock garden and the final jump over a dry stonewall into the field by Fisherman's Cottage.
Read the full story in the Guernsey Press. See below for subscription details.