Guernsey Press

Giving thanks

ST TUGUAL'S CHAPEL was the setting for Herm's second Harvest Festival.


ST TUGUAL'S CHAPEL was the setting for Herm's second Harvest Festival.

The Rev. Richard Bellinger came over for the weekend to hold the service for a full house of guests and residents.

'The reason for this service is to give a harvest thanksgiving with a difference,' said Mr Bellinger. 'We can include all the different strands of Herm life.'

There were representatives from all different departments on the island - hospitality, gardening, school and shipping, to name a few. This year, two-year-old Harry Moore represented the new football team - of which his father Brett is a part - with the offering of a football and there was also a representative from the young mothers in the island, who at the moment number quite a few.

All the objects brought to represent particular parts of Herm life were blessed in thanks to God.

Each member of the congregation was asked to bring one of the many-coloured harvest leaves that brighten the island at this time. These were used to make a collage and put on a thanksgiving banner, which the children displayed on the altar.

The Herm children were a large part of the service also. Teacher Mary Carey had prepared relevant poems and readings for them, including the work of Charlotte Bronte, Victor Hugo and Christina Rossetti, all heralding the colours and fruits of autumn and the transition from summer to winter.

One member of the congregation, the visiting Rev. A. Charters, was impressed with the service. He and Mrs Charters attend church services in St Tugual's whenever they are on holiday in the island, but this was their first special service.

'The Rev. Bellinger has a lovely relaxed style that makes everyone feel very welcome,' said Mr Charters. 'The children were wonderful and seemed to very much enjoy the service.'

This relaxed, friendly atmosphere is one that draws Mr Bellinger to the island as often as possible.

'I love services in Herm,' he said. 'They are much more informal, so I can let loose my creative side and anything can happen.'

Mr Bellinger's next Herm service will be one of remembrance in November.

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