Housing market could suffer further woes
THE fragile economic climate has clearly given Alderney's politicians and civil servants plenty of headaches.

THE fragile economic climate has clearly given Alderney's politicians and civil servants plenty of headaches.
Since the global financial crisis began towards the end of 2007, many island businesses have struggled to make ends meet. Plenty of shops and restaurants have come and gone in the last few years, while the building trade has toiled to the point where numerous labourers have been forced to quit their jobs or find extra employment to supplement reduced wages.
All the above has severely affected Alderney's housing market, which is enduring its worst year in a long time. Very few properties have been sold recently and the sales that have gone through have invariably been at knock-down prices.
The property market is extremely important to this island. If it's buoyant, just about every business prospers. Builders, painters and decorators get work sprucing a place up for new owners, while food and hardware shops also benefit significantly. The pubs and restaurants profit, too, as extra money in the economy tends to mean more people eating out.
A housing market depression stops the cash flow, as is being experienced at present. The knock-on effects have been put on hold - and there seems little prospect of the situation improving. House prices in the UK have dropped again recently and when the UK sneezes, it seems Alderney catches influenza.
All of this causes huge concern, not least to the island's States members. They are constantly being asked - and told, even - to do something about the recession: cut air fares, slash the price of oil and get rid of property tax.
But how much can Alderney's politicians do? In truth, their hands are often tied. There isn't much money to play with - our cash allocation from Guernsey has only just broken the £1.6m. barrier - and there are plenty of projects all fighting for extra funds.
People often forget that millions have been spent on the commercial quay, new care home and water infrastructure, and that there isn't much left in the pot. Thankfully, the island's Gambling Control Commission continues to fund vital projects, including those mentioned. It's vital this cash flow doesn't end any time soon.
Positively, there appears to be a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. One estate agent told me that enquiries had increased recently, mainly from UK-based people worried about being forced to pay more tax. For Alderney's sake, it may be time to call on the coalition government to increase taxes across the UK. It may just convince a few families to try the third-largest Channel Island for size.
Teen artist Kai Bower picked up third prize after entering the Guernsey Press Design an Ad competition.
Kai, 13, who attends St Anne's School, produced a Blue Islands advert, which impressed both the judges and the airline's marketing team.
Guernsey schoolboy Ben Lowe also designed a Blue Islands ad - his will be displayed in the executive lounge at Guernsey airport and be used as a genuine advert for the airline.
Kai's ad will be used in the Information Centre in Victoria Street and at the airline's check-in desk.
'We were so impressed by the standard of the adverts and the effort put into each one,' said Blue Islands marketing executive Michelle Teed. 'Ben and Kai had really thought about the message in their work and concentrated on Blue Islands' unique selling points. I thought the slogans were particularly creative.'
Kai explained why he chose the island as his theme.
'It was the subject I knew most about and used the most in Alderney,' he said. 'I'm excited to see my work on display because I entered last year and didn't win anything.'
The competition was run by the Guernsey Press for primary and secondary school children with a creative flair and asked participants to design an advertisement or webpage for a local company.
Kai and Ben have each been given a canvas of their artwork to take home.