Guernsey Press

Mystery Samaritan fans flames of night

HUNDREDS of islanders ventured to the Butes to enjoy Bonfire Night after a mystery benefactor stepped in to fund the event at the last minute.


HUNDREDS of islanders ventured to the Butes to enjoy Bonfire Night after a mystery benefactor stepped in to fund the event at the last minute.

There were many sad faces when regular organiser Sarah Whyte announced that no funds had been raised for this year's fireworks. However, local painter and decorator Lee Flewitt rallied several locals and managed to secure a single four-figure donation to save the night.

'I was left with just a week to organise the entire event,' said Sarah. 'My first two phone calls were to Mark Maurice and Tim Birmingham at the States Works Department because without those two on board, the night would not have gone ahead.

'Luckily, Mark had a stock of fireworks on the island and a permit was issued almost straight away - so no problem there, and a big thank you must go to Mark and his gang for once again putting on a spectacular show.

'Tim, also at the last minute, got the guys to rally round and find some wood for the fire. I must also thank Bruno Kay-Mouat and Alderney Shipping, who sent four containers of pallets from Guernsey free of charge.'

Sarah said the good news spread like wildfire.

'Many people stopped or rang me to say how happy they were that the funds had been found and that pleased me and spurred me on.

'A few hundred people turned up on the night, despite the weather being cold and windy. The conditions did cause a panic, but everything went as well as could be expected,' she said.

'After the guys were placed in their positions, the fire was lit and it was great to see so many faces smiling and people enjoying themselves at a community event. It made me feel glad that the night had actually taken place.

'Everybody cheered at the fireworks and again, if it hadn't been for the mystery donator - a big, big thank-you, whoever you are - the sky would have remained black for the night.'

Sarah also thanked Alderney Fire Brigade and St John Ambulance for attending the evening, which boosted the Youth Club's coffers by £90.

And there is more good news on the horizon, as the Rotary Club of Alderney has expressed an interest in taking over the event from next year.

Talk of who will be Alderney's next States President has already started.Earlier this month, current holder of the position Sir Norman Browse announced his plans to stand down before he turns 80. The decision means Sir Norman will quit at least a year before his term of office is due to end in December 2012.

As ever, the infamous Alderney rumour mill has gone into overdrive. Several names have already been suggested to the writer of this column, though nobody has confirmed whether they plan to stand or not.

Whoever takes over from Sir Norman will need to prepare for perhaps more challenges than ever before. The tidal power project is slowly but surely moving on, while the island's e-gambling industry continues to prosper. He or she will also have to deal with the global financial crisis and the effect it continues to have on our little island.

Though the States President is often seen as a figurehead, anyone who considers standing for the role must be thick-skinned. The President is classed as a States member and able to vote if he or she desires. Sir Norman famously used his vote to push through the anti-smoking legislation, so he knows all about taking unpopular decisions.

Anyone who wants to be President will have a passion for Alderney - that is a given. Turning that passion into something positive, however, is another thing entirely.

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