Guernsey Press

Salute for sons of Sark

SARK looks poised for another bout of election fever, although the results and aftermath are unlikely to be as dramatic as in the island's first foray into a new democratic age two years ago.


SARK looks poised for another bout of election fever, although the results and aftermath are unlikely to be as dramatic as in the island's first foray into a new democratic age two years ago.

In 2008, no fewer than 57 candidates contested the 28 conseillers' seats that made up the first directly-elected legislature in the island's history.

Of those 28, half were elected for four-year terms of office, while the remaining 14 seats were for two-year terms - the terms on that occasion (and for the only time) being determined by the drawing of lots among the successful candidates.

It is the 14 elected for two years who have completed their first stints whose seats are soon to fall vacant and all of them have been nominated for a full four-year term. They are conseillers Diane Baker, Edric Baker, Chris Bateson, Dave Cocksedge, Peter Cole, Andy Cook, Stefan Gomoll, Jan Guy, John Hunt, Dave Melling, Chris Nightingale, Michelle Perree, Helen Plummer and Tony Ventress.

Additionally, a further seven nominations were received by the returning officer, Seneschal Reg Guille, before the cut-off point of noon on Monday of this week. They are Andrew Bache, Fiona Bird, Paul Burgess, John Donnelly, Tony Le Lievre, Peter Stisted and Steve Taylor. Five of those stood two years ago - Messrs Burgess, Donnelly, Le Lievre, Stisted and Mrs Bird - while retired diplomat Mr Bache and fisherman Mr Taylor are seeking to enter Sark politics for the first time.

I think it is to their credit that 21 people have offered their services for a task which, while it may bring individuals an opportunity to serve their fellow men and women, often brings with it a good deal of hard work because the committees of Chief Pleas have little in the way of bureaucratic support, certainly when compared with other jurisdictions.

They also come in for a fair amount of criticism - some of it in this column but also, because of the closeness of this small community, direct from the electorate - and like all voluntary service, politics can be a pretty thankless task.

I have always felt that one of the best ways of thanking those who offer themselves for election is for the electorate to turn up on polling day - on this occasion it's Wednesday 8 December - and vote. As well as getting the government we elect, we also get the government we deserve and particularly so if we fail to fill in ballot papers.

Last Sunday's Remembrance Day service in St Peter's Church also saw the unveiling of First World War medals and associated documents awarded to Private Thomas Carre of the Royal Guernsey Light Infantry, who was among a number of sons of Sark who perished in what became known as the Great War.

The medals were donated by the late Harriet Carre to the Sark branch of the Royal British Legion and it was the legion which arranged them, along with a photograph of Private Carre and of his final resting place. On display in the glass-fronted display case were documents relating to his death, including the expression of sympathy from King George V. Private Carre was Mrs Carre's husband's uncle.

The display case is located near the memorial stained glass window which pays tribute to the Sark men who died in that conflict and the surrounding area was suitably decorated for the moving occasion.

The donation by Mrs Carre was a generous act and it is to the Royal British Legion's credit that it financed a suitably appropriate memorial.

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