Guernsey Press

Five schools close today

FIVE schools are closed today: Forest, Le Rondin, Blanchelande, La Houguette and St Andrew's.


FIVE schools are closed today: Forest, Le Rondin, Blanchelande, La Houguette and St Andrew's.

Some buses for La Mare de Carteret High, the Grammar School and Les Beaucamps did not run – and upper-parish scheduled services were also hit.

Some 30mm of snow fell overnight and more than an inch is predicted through the day.

The airport is expected to remain closed until 11am although clearance work started just before 5.

Airport director Colin Le Ray said: 'We were open until shortly before 10pm last night, but Gatwick closed and two of the island's aircraft were trapped there. Gatwick is still closed and so is Southampton at the moment.'

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