Guernsey Press

Funds needed for Avenue lights

AS I'VE mentioned in previous years, one of the many pleasures of living in this small community is that, unlike many other more commercially-minded places, Christmas in Sark does not start as soon as the last bus has gone down Harbour Hill on August bank holiday Monday.


AS I'VE mentioned in previous years, one of the many pleasures of living in this small community is that, unlike many other more commercially-minded places, Christmas in Sark does not start as soon as the last bus has gone down Harbour Hill on August bank holiday Monday.

Indeed, The Avenue's Christmas lights - organised by the island's Chamber of Commerce - don't get switched on until this evening and that, by nothing more than happy coincidence, just happens to mark the start of our hardy and more than competent band of carol singers' journeys around the island.

They will also be out and about tomorrow as well as on Monday, Friday and Saturday of next week - all early evening - and as usual will be outside the Post Office from 11.30am on Christmas Eve. All proceeds will be donated to the International Red Cross and the island's Professor Saint Medical Trust.

Even without Wednesday's election - at the time of writing many people have already voted, but the poll has yet to close - it's a busy time in Sark with what seems to me to be more than the usual amount of cargo coming in, not to mention what is being bought in Guernsey by island residents on shopping trips.

December is always a busy time - and an exciting one, if my recollections of many decades ago are anything to go by - for youngsters and the pupils at Sark School are no exception to the rule.

The real young ones of Class 1 are currently rehearsing their nativity play, Busy Busy Bethlehem, and that will be staged along the road at the Methodist Chapel at 4pm on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

The carol concert given by pupils in the other two classes and the school choir will be on Wednesday of next week at 6pm at St Peter's Church.

I referred earlier to the Christmas lights and make no apology for repeating that what is generally acknowledged to be an excellent display is to a great part thanks to the generosity of Sark Electricity's David Gordon-Brown, his staff and helpers from other island firms and Kristina Southern from La Petite Poule, who manages to keep people fed and watered at the switching-on.

Although the lights are organised by the Chamber of Commerce, they are financed principally by donations from the business community and individuals. And I know that while the power and expertise is donated by Sark Electricity, a rolling programme of replacement and maintenance is always necessary.

That means, as Chamber president Bob Parsons told me, that all donations will be gratefully received as funds will certainly be needed early next year to replace some of the older lighting displays.

My reference to those who went the extra mile during the recent snow prompted a nice email from Jenny Baker, who reminded me that residents are also indebted to those who helped clear the roads of some rather deep snow and trees and branches (particularly conifers) brought down by the sheer weight of snow on them.

I couldn't agree more with that and her reference to those who provide fire and ambulance services.

She also expressed the hope that this week's election turnout would be a good one and thanked all 21 candidates for offering their services to their fellow citizens - something we should all endorse. By the time this is published, we shall know who will occupy the 14 conseillers' hot seats.

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