Guernsey Press

Panto pokes fun at pub

ALDERNEY Theatre Group is breaking with tradition in a bid to liven up February with a pantomime.Local playwright Lee Flewitt has again penned a hilarious script, while encouraging - or in some cases forcing - various island thespians to take part.


ALDERNEY Theatre Group is breaking with tradition in a bid to liven up February with a pantomime.Local playwright Lee Flewitt has again penned a hilarious script, while encouraging - or in some cases forcing - various island thespians to take part.

Called The Pirates of the Coronation, the panto pokes fun at the pub's regulars, as well as various Alderney characters. It will be performed over four nights from 9 February by a bumper cast of 19.

'We know times are hard, which is why the luvvies of Alderney are doing their very best to cheer people up with this year's outrageous panto,' said Lee, whose 2009 pantomime Jack and the Beanjar proved a huge success.

'It's brand new and totally original and, before you ask, I will be supplying the eye patches.'

The panto focuses on the lost treasure of One Eyed Jack, as Lee, who is also starring in the show, explains.

'Once upon a time, on an island not so far away, there lived an evil pirate admiral.

His vessels - The Belle Vue, The Campania, The Marais and The Coronation - were the scourge of the English Channel. No ship was safe from them. If it had sails, then every month was January.

'One day, for reasons of his own, Captain Marriner of The Coronation decided he would steal a leaf from his employer's book and made off with the Admiral's flagship, thus setting into motion a series of events that would culminate in revelations, amputations, marriages and death, with two ghosts and a kleptomaniac parrot thrown in for good measure.'

Tickets go on sale tomorrow at Shirley's Boutique, Victoria Street. They are also available via email - - and on the door, subject to availability. Tickets for the first night cost just £5 each. The remaining nights will cost £8 for adults and £5 for children under 14. Theatre Group members are eligible to claim a £1 discount.

Regular theatre-goers will no doubt be quick to snap up tickets - as well as the 2009 pantomime, Lee also wrote and directed Is There Anybody There, which was showcased at the Island Hall on Halloween weekend.


Islanders are being encouraged to put up nest boxes in an effort to support bird breeding.And with this in mind, Alderney Wildlife Trust is holding a nest box building afternoon later this month, which will be supported by local firm Blanchards.

'Nest boxes are excellent substitutes for the holes found in old trees and are a good way to encourage birds into your garden,' said AWT manager Roland Gauvain.

'The species you attract will depend on the location, type of box and the size of the entrance hole.

'Making your own nest box is easy and rewarding,' he added.

'If you fancy having a go, come down to Essex Farm from 2pm on Saturday 22 January, where AWT will be helping young and old to build bird boxes, bird tables and even bird feeders. Information will also be available on caring for your garden birds and new nest box.'

Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be available free, but a donation towards any finished products taken home will be gratefully received by the trust.

Roland also said that AWT will be helping local ornithologist Mark Atkinson put up barn owl boxes around the island.

'In 2010, seven barn owl boxes were built and sited around the island. This brought the total number of boxes to 14, creating vital accommodation for these beautiful nocturnal fliers.

'This year we will be concentrating on a range of smaller boxes, as well as feeding stations and tables to help keep our avian residents and visitors in food during future cold spells.'

n For further information on the event, contact Julia Henney on 822935 or email

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