Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 18 January, 2011

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Tyrrell Dowinton Associates – change of use from home offices (residential use class four) to offices (admin, financial and professional services use class 22), extend and alter on east side and install rooflight in north roof space at The Barn, Rue du Dos d'Ane.

Mr S. Smith – demolish existing garage and erect garage/guest accommodation at Beach House, Pre du Gele, Le Gele Road.

Les Pelleys Ltd – demolish existing lean-to structure at rear (south) and erect two-storey pitched roof extension to side (west) with glazed link. Install rooflights and glazed gable window to side (west elevation) with inset balcony at Roussiaux, Les Pelleys, Rue des Vallees.

Chaumiere Homes Ltd – extend dwelling to south-east elevation and block up existing door and window on north elevation at La Chaumiere, La Chaumiere, Rue Piette.

Mr and Mrs R. Davies – variations to works previously approved: reduce glazing on ground and first floor, omit rooflight and install a chimney (west elevation), erect pitched roof to entrance porch and bay window, remove garage door and install two windows, install two rooflights and two dormer windows (south elevation), omit glazed gable window and install a rooflight (east elevation), reposition door, omit two rooflights, install an additional rooflight and gable window (north elevation) at Bon Temps, Ruette des Deslisles.


Ms S. Eley – demolish existing and erect replacement 1.5 storey extension at rear (west). Erect single storey extension at rear (west) with roof lantern and install dormer window to rear (west) at Holmesdale Cottage, Les Nouettes.


Mr and Mrs M. and P. Prout — demolish existing conservatory and erect single storey sun lounge on rear (south) of property at 1, Les Grandes Fourques, Route de la Croix au Bailiff.

Mr N. McCarthy – demolish exiting and erect replacement conservatory (rear elevation) at Lavande, St Andrews Road.


MDA Management Company Ltd – reduce height of existing chimney stacks, remove railings and increase height of sills on roof, over-clad sections of building with Alsecco insulated cladding at Maison des Arbes, Les Hubits de Haut.

Mr and Mrs D. G. Ford – extend domestic curtilage to include area of land to rear (east) of dwelling called Homeleigh Cottage at Plot 1, La Rue de la Villette.

Mr and Mrs N. Pailing – raise ridge height to provide habitable accommodation, install three dormer windows and two roof lights to south elevation, five rooflights, juliet balcony and fully glazed large dormer extension. Extend dwelling at ground-floor level and alter access at La Petite Bouvee, Rue des Grons.

Mr D. Mourton – erect a double garage with lounge area above ancillary to self catering units, including two dormer windows on north west elevation and first floor gable window in north east elevation at Ellingham, Les Camps du Moulin.

Mrs B. Hayes – raise ridge height to provide habitable accommodation, install rooflights at front (north east) and rear (south west) and gable window at rear with balcony. Erect extension at side (north west) with glazed link at Vue d'Icart, La Rue des Clotures.

Mr and Mrs P. J. Cramphorn – erect a conservatory at rear (north east) at Esperer, Jerbourg Road.

Guernsey Water – remove top soil on west tank, install new waterproof membrane and cover with stone chippings at Forest Road Service Reservoir, Forest Road.


Mr and Mrs P. De Jersey – raise ridge height and install dormer windows and rooflights (front and rear elevations), install two ground floor windows (side – south-east elevation) and erect single storey flat roofed extension (rear elevation) at La Rousse Mare, Route des Salbons.

Mr and Mrs G. Martel – subdivide property to provide two units of accommodation with associated car parking areas. Replace garage door with window at The Anchorage, Route de Rocquaine.


Sueco Outside Catering – change of use and internal alterations to form residential unit. Replace existing double doors at front (east) and install rooflight on west elevation – protected building at La Vrangue Lodge, Rue Thomas.

Checkers Express – alterations to existing bin store to form new opening at Block A – Flagship Residential, Rue de Vega, Les Banques.

Mr and Mrs M. Moore – demolish existing extension and extend dwelling at ground floor level (rear elevation) and alter windows (Protected Building) at 4, Kingston Terrace, Les Amballes.

Tumblehome and Prussik Ltd – convert roofspace and install dormer window on east elevation and install two rooflights on north elevation and one rooflight on south elevation at Charente, L'Hyvreuse Avenue.

States Property Services – install nine lights in car park area at Lukis House, Grange Road.

Mr C. Corcoran and Miss L. Howe – demolish existing extension and construct new rear two storey and single storey extensions, install dormer window on east (front) elevation, demolish existing garage and erect new garage, form new vehicular access and increase height of boundary wall at L'Abri, Rouge Ruis Avenue.

Marine Hotel Ltd – erect extensions to existing property and erect five new two storey buildings at Thornhill, La Gibauderie.

CI Healthcare Ltd – erect two storey staff accommodation block (revised position) and relocate oil tank at Les Chouettes, Rue du Douit.

Tepe Ltd – install three timber gates, remove hedge and construct earthbanks adjacent to north boundary at Normandy Manor, Fosse Andre.

Tepe Ltd – variations to previously approved – lengthen glasshouse, erect external steps and oak balcony to be stainless steel and glass at Normandy Manor, Fosse Andre.

Mr and Mrs K. Le Tissier – replace existing timber windows with upvc windows (protected building) at Redruth, Victoria Road.

Mr and Mrs K. Le Tissier – replace windows and door to porch with upvc (protected building) at Redruth, Victoria Road.

Mr and Mrs K. Le Tissier – replace casement timber windows in side extension with upvc windows (protected building) at Redruth, Victoria Road.

Oiseau Developments Ltd – erect single storey flat roofed extension on rear (north) elevation at Clos de Mesnil, Vauvert.

Mr and Mrs Sinclair-Scott – demolish existing dwelling and erect new dwelling with terraces and balconies, install rooflights and dormer windows and alter access at Fermain House, Rue de Putron.


Mr J. Le Moignan – demolish existing store and erect eight garages, convert cafe to dwelling at Fryer Tucks, Vale Road.

Steele Property (Gsy) Ltd – replace existing porch door, side windows and install glazed roof. Remove existing garage door and install single door and window on south east elevation and install new garage door on south west elevation in place of existing window at Beauvoir, Rue des Monts.

Miss K. Spaargaren – erect single storey extension at rear (west) with terrace and glazed balustrade above and erect first floor extension at side (north) above existing garage at Munuwulu, Les Tracheries Estate, Les Tracheries Road.


Mr and Mrs R. Bonner-Morgan – extend and alter dwelling to side and rear (south and west elevation). Replace existing window with door and install new window on north elevation at Jardin des Buttes, La Rue des Buttes.


Mrs H. Black – convert existing stables into a dwelling. Remove part of existing earth bank to create parking area and vehicular access and install earth bank at Les Grands Marais.

Arrowsmith Marlowe – replace two 5,000 litre tanks with a 20,000 litre tank at Arrowsmith Marlowe, 7, La Hure Mare Industrial Estate.

Mr I. Robinson – demolish existing garage and erect replacement garage at Euna Cottage, Le Petit Axce.

Mr and Mrs S. Mosley – demolish conservatory and erect a sunroom on rear elevation at Antiqua, 10, Clos Raymond Leterrier, Rue du Pont Vaillant.

Mr A. Sidaner and Miss Z. Blake – variations to proposed new dwelling – construct a basement storage area and install solar panels on south west elevation at Ship's Bell Cottage, Portinfer Road.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by Site Notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the Site Notice.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port during the hours of 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.

Representations will also be made available to the Planning Tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public Tribunal Hearing.

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