Guernsey Press

Ambitious in the extreme McLaughlin targets 2014

WHEN you have enjoyed success like James McLaughlin did at the back end of 2010, improving is not always going to be easy.


[caption id="attachment_56080" align="alignright" width="176" caption="James McLaughlin shows off the Guernsey Press Achievement of the Year trophy which he was finally able to receive this week during a break back in the island. (Picture by Tom Tardif, 1098356)"]

But that is exactly what the young Sarnian cycling star is aiming for in 2011 as his season prepares to get under way.

The 20-year-old has been back in the island for a few days, collecting his Guernsey Press Sporting Achievement Award for his brilliant domestic five-mile time trial performance, before heading out to Brittany to start the most important season of his life.

He finished inside the top-20 in staggering heat in both the time trial and road race in Delhi, but as he explained, it is his winter training that gives most cause for optimism.

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