Guernsey Press

Seigneur stays silent over £2m. offer for feudal title

SEIGNEUR Michael Beaumont was yesterday reluctant to discuss the publication of private letters that revealed Sir David Barclay had offered to buy the island's feudal lease and his title.


SEIGNEUR Michael Beaumont was yesterday reluctant to discuss the publication of private letters that revealed Sir David Barclay had offered to buy the island's feudal lease and his title.

When approached by the Guernsey Press, the seigneur (pictured) said he knew nothing of what had been published in the latest Sark News Letter, compiled by Sark Estate Management managing director Kevin Delaney.

But after hearing that details of the proposal from Sir David were in the public domain, Mr Beaumont, whose rejection of the January 2010 offer included 'at the moment', said it was up to the family to publish what they liked. 'It's fine by me. If they want to publish their letters, let them. The whole thing is ridiculous.'

The previously-confidential correspondence demonstrated that Sir David had offered Mr Beaumont £1m. for the island's feudal lease and title and a further £1m. as compensation for the loss of his £28,000-a-year stipend.

'It's up to them what they write,' said Mr Beaumont, who declined to comment further on the subject.

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