Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 22 March, 2011

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Mrs J. Dowinton – relocate existing oil tank at The Barn, Rue du Dos D'Ane.

Les Pelleys Ltd – demolish existing extension at rear of main dwelling (south) and erect 2.5-storey extension. Remove existing chimney at front and raise ridge height to provide first floor accommodation and alter openings and windows. Create below ground garage and link. Convert and alter barn to provide habitable accommodation. Carry out land engineering and demolish bullpen at Les Pelleys, Rue des Vallees.

Mr B. Cooney – install BBQ hut (retrospective) at Les Touillets, Les Touillets Road.

Mr and Mrs R. Herring – erect an earth bank on agricultural land to front of property (retrospective) at Arc-en-Ciel, Ruette des Delisles.

Mr and Mrs Stone – demolish existing extension at rear (north) and erect extension with three rooflights on east elevation and three rooflights on west elevation to provide a dower unit and install one rooflight on north, east and west elevations in main dwelling. Demolish existing and erect replacement garage at rear at Stone de Croze, Les Varendes.

Miss S. McMillan – demolish existing dwelling and erect a dwelling at The Ochils, Route de Cobo.

Mr and Mrs Ford – erect conservatory at rear (west) at Killarney, 41, Courtil Ollivier, Rue des Varendes.

Mr and Mrs B. J. E. Paint – change of use of workshop to light industry use class at Houmet Lodge, Route de Cobo.

Mr S. Brouard – erect single storey flat roof extension to rear of dwelling at Le Sanctouaire, Route de Cobo.

Mr and Mrs D. Fitzgerald – remove existing garage door and replace with new window and blockwork (front elevation) at Glenbrook, 22, Le Villocq Estate, Courtil Simon Lane.


States Education Dept – erect replacement storage shed – revised (alter external finish from timber clad to render, reduce overall length and omit two windows from west elevation) at Forest Primary School, Rue des Landes.

Les Nicolles Lodge Management – erect first floor infill extension at front (east) and install glazed canopy over entrance at Les Nicolles Lodge, Les Nicolles.


2e2 (Guernsey) Ltd – erect security fencing to rear of property at 2e2 (Guernsey) Ltd, Unit 5, Les Caches Business Park, Les Cache Road.

Mr and Mrs R. H. T. Griffith – reposition post and rail fencing to inner edge of existing hedge on land adjacent to Chinook Stables, Icart Road.

Mr and Mrs J. Hart – remove existing and erect replacement fencing at Icart House, Icart Road.

Mr and Mrs D. Lee – erect an extension at side and rear of dwelling at Achnacarry, 8, Le Grand Manel, Rue des Frenes.

Mr R. Bourgaize and Miss K. Jehan – demolish roadside wall and railing to create parking area at The Cedars, Les Camps du Moulin.

Mr D. Snedden – reposition existing shed from ear to front of property at Entebeni, Le Courtillet.


Mr P. Yates – erect two dwellings (protected building) at La Vrangue Lodge, La Vrangue.

Mr P. Langford and Mrs F. D. Ogier – install window and internal alterations (install door in place of existing window), (protected building) at Wren Cottage, Les Amballes.

Mr and Mrs Leggett – install rooflight on rear elevation (protected building) at Soulac Cottage, St John Street.

Mr B. Griffin – variations to works previously approved – reposition garden wall and summerhouse at 1, 2 and 3, Eaton Place, Les Gravees.

Mr M. Tallon – replace two existing wooden windows on front elevation and one window on rear elevation with UPVC windows at Rose Cottage, Rozel Road.

Mr and Mrs M. Fossey – remove existing porch and extend dwelling (rear elevation) at Rest Harrow, Water Lanes.

West Quay Holdings – install automatic rising bollard (option A) at 5 and 7 High Street.

West Quay Holdings – install folding arm barrier (option B) at 5 and 7 High Street.

Mrs V. McInnes – demolish front boundary walls and create parking area in front garden of property (protected building) at 77, Mount Durand.

Belmont Queens Holdings – demolish existing garages and residential block in northwest corner of site and erect 10 units of residential accommodation with associated car parking area and landscaping (revised) at Queens Court Mews, Queen's Road.

Colneway Ltd – remove section of roadside wall to create vehicular access and driveway. Erect retaining wall and install pillars and steps to front of property (protected building) at 5, Mount Row.

Mr and Mrs R. Barnes – erect a dwelling (revised) at Dolphin House, Le Foulon.

Mr J. Le Tocq (Storm Force Fitness) – change of use from offices to fitness studio at Unit 9, The Guernsey Market, Fountain Street.`

Stormburst Properties Ltd – alter existing entrances on north and east elevations and replace doors at The Albany Building, 4, South Esplanade.

Mr and Mrs N. Le Tissier – variations to previously approved works to erect new dwelling (revised) – reduce width of dwelling by 600mm across north elevation on new site, The Strand.

Crown Developments Ltd – install air conditioning unit above external door at Suite 1, Tower Hill, 32-34 Le Bordage.

SJS Ltd – extend dwelling and install rooflights on north elevation, replace existing porch and install dormer windows on east and west elevations at Les Brins, George Road.

Mr P. Dunn – erect sun lounge to side (west) of dwelling house at Chipstead, Croutes Havilland Lane.

Healthspan Group Ltd – demolish existing staff accommodation and extend and alter hotel to side (west) elevation to provide guest rooms, gym and ancillary office space at The Venue, Fermain Valley Hotel, Fort Road.


RDC Ltd – variations to works previously approved – reposition dwelling, increase basement, add chimney and alter fenestration at Treyamon, Rue de la Pomare.

Guernsey Wastewater – construct underground water pumping station and control kiosk, create new vehicle access and erect earth banks at La Lague, L'Eree.

Mr and Mrs M. Earl – replace existing timber windows with UPVC windows at Les Landes Cottage, Les Landes.


Mr A. D. Barrell – remove existing conservatory and extend and alter dwelling to rear to provide dower unit at Elland Place, Roland Road.

Mr R. J. Lacey – demolish existing extension and erect single storey flat roofed extension (rear elevation) at Swindon Place, Route St Clair.

Guernsey Data Park Ltd – carry out highway works to Route Militaire (widen carriageway along west side of Route Militaire, reposition wall and install two sets of traffic lights) associated with the construction of a new junction to industrial site at Guernsey Data Park, Saltpans Road.

Mr K. Young – alterations and conversion of packing shed to pigeon loft, erect pigeon loft, traps and aviary (revised), (retrospective) on land at Epinelle Road.

Mr and Mrs L. Martin – demolish one glasshouse and temporary buildings and erect stable block and tack rooms at Le Vivier, Saline Road.

Mr and Mrs J. Pope – demolish existing lean-to extension and extend and alter dwelling to front (south) elevation at Kennington, Maladerie Road, L'Islet.


Mr M. Beausire and Miss E. Browning – demolish existing flat roof extension and erect part single storey and part 1.5-storey extension at front (north) and side (west) at La Joie, La Passee.

Mrs J. Mahy – extension of domestic curtilage onto former vinery site and erect shed at Les Maisons du Coins, Route de Pulias.


Mr D. J. Le Gallez – demolish existing and erect replacement dwelling (revised) at Kandahar, Route des Domaines.

Miss H. Newark – raise ridge height, extend and alter dwelling and install balcony, demolish existing shed and erect a garage, lay decking, construct steps and extend driveway/parking area at Courtil Jardin, Bas Rouvets.

Mr A. Brehaut – erect a sun room (rear elevation) and install oil tank at Elysium, Clos de Haut Terrain, Route des Clos Landais.


Mr and Mrs C. Laine – raise ridge height, extend and alter dwelling at first floor level and install balcony (north elevation) at La Douce Poumare, Rue du Hurel.


Mr M. Seabrook – replace existing balcony rail with glazed panels at Unit 2, Blue Lagoon, Hougue du Moulin.

Mr D. Kershaw – demolish existing garden store and erect a garage and vine house/greenhouse and lay paving.

Extend domestic curtilage and erect a shed, pig sty and chicken coup and install garden structures including trellis and fruit cages and raised beds at Les Grippios House, Les Grippios.

Mr and Mrs Ozanne – erect a sun lounge (rear elevation) at Les Artilleurs, Bordeaux Drive, Rue des Barras.

Ms L. Smith – change of use of premises to events management, including storage and distribution and display showroom at Arnold House, La Route du Braye.

L'Ancresse Lodge Ltd – erect a porch on side (east elevation) at Unit 21, L'Ancresse Bay Hotel, Rue du Marais.

Annandale Ltd – erect gates and chain link fencing around site boundary at Annandale, Rue des Marais.

CLEC Ltd – variations to works previously approved – demolish existing and rebuild units one and two – install a window to each garage and a dormer window instead of a rooflight to the rear at Tennessee, Houmet Lane.

Mrs K. Philippe – install granite memorial bench in place of existing wooden bench on coast land near Les Petils, Castle Road.

Guernsey Electricity Ltd – remove existing shutter doors and install replacement double doors with glazed panels at Guernsey Electricity Contacting Dept, La Hougue Jehannet.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.

Applications are normally advertised in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, during the hours of 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.

Representation will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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