Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 29 March, 2011

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Mr R. Paisley – remove window and door and erect extension to side (south-west) elevation and erect raised timber decking with glass balustrade at La Pointe, La Houguette Road.

Mr and Mrs C. J. Edwards – variations to plans approved to convert wing to independent residential unit (install additional rooflight on east elevation and two gable windows on north elevation) at Victoria Lodge, La Giffardiere.

Miss C. Anderson – change of use from self-catering unit (visitor economy use class 12) to residential unit (residential use class 1) – retrospective at Apartment 4, Les Carterets Mews, Rue de la Saline, Cobo.


Mr and Mrs Swoffer – install three rooflights (front elevation) and alter dormer windows from catslide to hipped roofs (retrospective) at Eden, Le Chene.

Mr and Mrs M. Read – variation to works previously approved to construct extensions at rear and side (east) of property – alter fenestration and provide tiled roof to garden room at La Rocque Melange, Vue de L'Eglise.


Miss L. Pinchemain – extend and alter existing conservatory at rear of property at Liberte, 6, La Frairie, Rue Frairies.

Mrs S. Robinson – raise ridge height and extend to create habitable accommodation with rooflights and dormers to front and rear and install balcony, extend and alter rear flat roof extension at Hedgefield, Route de St Andrew.


Mr and Mrs S. Baudains – erect single storey rear extension and front porch at Ardennes, Forest Road.

Mr D. Rabey – extend and alter barn and convert to residential unit (revised) at La Ruette, La Croute Lane.

Ms A. Dodd and Mr K. Wyatt-Nicolle – recover roof, replace guttering, demolish and rebuild chimneys and repair dormer window – protected building at Fisherman's Cottage, Icart Road.

Vine House Ltd – erect two storey extension to rear of dwelling with glazed link to existing pool house at Vine House, Saints Bay Road.

Mr and Mrs D. Grimshaw – variation to works previously approved to erect replacement dwelling – alter and install windows (sides and rear elevations), install air source heat pump (rear elevation) at Les Vents Doux, Jerbourg Road.

Mr and Mrs D. Wilkins – demolish existing and erect replacement dwelling at Les Mouettes, La Moye Lane, Jerbourg Point.


Mr and Mrs R. Klein – erect a covered walkway to the south-east gable at Panache, Route des Coutanchez.

Mr P. Yates – variations to works previously approved to alter outbuildings to create two self-catering holiday units – increase width of lean-to building and reconstruct brick piers to north wall (retrospective) (protected building) at La Vrangue Lodge, La Vrangue.

Mr B. A. Groves – remove fuel tank and install an oil tank at Sarum, Les Granges de Beauvoir, Ivy Gates.

Mr L. Le Noury – create a mezzanine floor at Helmsman, 36, Cornet Street.

Mrs M. Bayfield – replace windows on basement and second storey and install new guttering to bay windows on east side at La Fontenelle, Courtil de la Fontenelle, Ville au Roi.

R. W. Martel Ltd – variations to previously approved works to demolish dwelling and erect two dwellings (revised) – create basements, raised terraces and steps at rear (north) with glazed balustrades at Green Gables, Avenue du Manoir, Ville au Roi Estate.

Steele Developments (Gsy) Ltd – demolish dwelling and construct seven flats with basement parking at Ferndale, La Charroterie.

Mr and Mrs R. Sinclair Stott – extend and alter dwelling including raising ridge height to create first floor accommodation at Fermain House, Rue de Putron.

Primrose Trust Ltd – erect double garage at front (west) and install five solar panels in roofplane on south elevation at 36, Rue de la Douzaine, Fort George.

Mr G. Davies and Mr M. Cass – install entrance gates at 65 and 66, La Corniche, Fort George.


Mr and Mrs M. Brooksbank – demolish conservatory, garden walls and planters and shed/hen-house and erect garage, stable block/tack room/store, fell trees, install gates, erect post and rail fencing and plant hedging (revised) at La Tourelle, Route de la Tourelle.

Mr and Mrs D. Dudley-Owen – extend and alter dwelling and internal alterations (protected building) at Le Val de Haut, Rue du Val de Haut.

Mr and Mrs R. Johnson – demolish conservatory and extend and alter dwelling at ground floor level at Sea Winds, Les Jardins.


Mr and Mrs R. Eon – extend and alter dwelling to rear and install rooflight to side (west) elevation at 8, Mont Morin.

Guernsey Data Park Ltd – variation to condition 5 (Phase 1 highway works) and condition 14 (completion to base course of Phase 1 works) of PAPP/2009/0984 for development of Saltpans Key Industrial Area including demolition of dwelling house (Beachgrove, Route Militaire) and creation of access at Saltpans Park, Saltpans Road/Route Militaire.

Oatlands Holdings Ltd – extend restaurant to create toilet facilities at Oatlands Craft Centre, Les Gigands Road.

Mr and Mrs J. Keyte – demolish conservatory and construct two storey extension on south elevation and alter existing dormer windows on west elevation at Miroku, Courtil du Puits, Les Petites Capelles Road.

Guernsey Housing Association LBG – create drying area, erect washing lines and screening at Rue D'Abri, Le Grand Bouet.


Mr and Mrs C. Fallaize – demolish garage, increase vehicular access, alter and extend dwelling (protected building) (retrospective) at Frohnlieton Barn, Les Jenemies.

Mr and Mrs J. Ephgrave – extend to the north of the dwelling at ground floor level and to the south at ground and first floor level at La Rocquette, Rue du Courtil Ronchin.


Mr R. D. McGhee – install replacement windows to front elevation at La Croute, Route de Crolier.


Mr S. Willcocks – remove section of roadside wall to widen vehicular access and reposition pillar at The Chippings, Hautes Mielles.

Mr and Mrs W. Gardiner – extend and alter dwelling – demolish garage (revised) at Croft Cottage, The Doyle.

The Gsy Clay Target Club – install canopy over clay pigeon shooting stands at clay pigeon shooting range, Route des Pecqueries.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.

Applications are normally published in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, during the hours of 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public hearing.

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