Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 3 May, 2011

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Mr and Mrs K. Friedlander – demolish wall and rebuild in new position to side of property at Le Moulinet, Rue des Bergers.

Mr S. Parr—replace wooden windows with uPVC (retrospective), block up door and window on west elevation at Carlton Lodge, Rue du Presbytere.

F. Crispini Settlement Trust – erect porch at rear (east) at Villa Rosemount, Rue des Houmets.

Mr C. K. Le Page and Miss V. R. Eppelein – extend dwelling and install replacement rooflight, demolish existing outbuildings and garage at Pitau Cottage, Les Grandes Rocques.


Mr C. K. and Mrs L. G. Allen – erect a double garage/workshop at Les Fontenelles Farm, Rue des Fontenelles.

Mr and Mrs A. Le Flem – demolish lean-to and erect extension at rear with two rooflights in south-west elevation and two rooflights in valley, alter fenestration (protected building). Erect fence along section of south boundary; install gate at Rapa Nui, Les Nicolles.

Ms K. Newman – erect a sign at east corner of airport access road and Rue des Landes, Rue des Landes.


Mr and Mrs C. Eker – erect replacement 1.5-storey extension at side (east) with one rooflight on north elevation (rear) and one rooflight on south elevation. Replace shed with new one at rear at Du Bois, Courtil Ronchin.


Ms C. D. Hyland – install a five-bar gate and posts to front of dwelling at Les Camelias, Les Blanches Pierres.

Mr B. W. Brend – demolish extension and erect 1.5 storey extension at side (west elevation) with one dormer window at front (north) and one dormer window at rear (south) at Maison Honfleur, Rue des Marettes.

Mr A. C. Pickford – replace first floor timber balcony balustrade with glazed balustrade at Le Petit Fief au Bret, Les Aubrets.


Mr M. P. O'Flaherty – extend and alter garage to 2.5 storey structure to provide separate unit of accommodation at Les Amballes.

Mr A. Pugh – alterations to facade detailing and erect new signage on Lefebvre Street elevation and courtyard at Duke of Normandie Hotel, Berthelot Street.

Montagu Evans Channel Islands – install two condensers and timber screen in courtyard (protected building) at 22, Smith Street.

NCH Ltd – variation to works previously approved – erect terrace/balcony at first floor level on north elevation of unit four at Unit 4, North Clifton.

Miss B. E. A. Ellis – remove earth bank and hedge and erect wall and fence to rear (west) of property at Bon Accord, Clos du Douit, Rue du Douit.

Education Department – create temporary vehicular and pedestrian access to Princess Royal Centre for the Performing Arts at Les Ozouets Road and Skins Lane.

Mr P. and Mrs G. Le Prevost – remove chimney at rear (north) at Le Debut, 48, Victoria Road.

Mr and Mrs S. Bird – alter conservatory to form a sun lounge (rear elevation) at Vivier House, Avenue Vivier, Ville au Roi Estate.

Mrs J. Mahe and Mr A. Brouard – extend dormer window on rear (west) of dwelling at La Chimere, George Road.


Mr B. Mahy – remove garage door and install window and install new door at A Little Thought, 3, La Croisee, Route Militaire.

Mr and Mrs David – erect sun lounge on side of dwelling at Plogonnec, Sandy Hook, L'Islet.


Mr J. Vaudin – relocate earth bank and alter motocross course at track, Route de la Trigale.


BMP Ltd – convert dwelling into three dwellings, demolish barn and construct new dwelling and form new vehicular access (protected building) at Le Tertre, Rue du Tertre.

Commerce and Employment Department – erect automatic weather station tower and mast (temporary installation) at ammunition bunker, Mont Cuet Road.

H. J. Gilroy and Co. Ltd – retain fuel sales and kiosk, change of use of car showroom to retail use class 14 at Barras Car Centre, Les Barras Lane.

Mr and Mrs Turton – demolish garage and erect two-storey extension (revised). Remove conservatory and extend and alter dwelling to rear at Mahal, Rue Pelouse.

Mr D. Riddell – install three storage containers and a Portakabin at rear of site for a temporary period (retrospective) at Mon Desir, Portinfer Road.

Mr and Mrs T. Nash – variations to previously approved works to demolish dwelling and erect new dwelling (revised) and remove hedge to front to create vehicular access – rescind condition five of the permission requiring closure of existing south-western access to main dwelling (Nirvana) and reinstate wall to match remainder of wall to allow retention of existing access at Ship's Bell Cottage, Portinfer Road.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the notice.

Applications are normally reported in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this might appear before the site notice is erected.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port during the hours of 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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