Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 17 May, 2011

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Mr M. Ferbrache – remove hedge and part of earth bank and erect boundary wall to front of property (retrospective) at Hillcrest, Rue de la Perruque.

Mr and Mrs C. Kenny – extend and alter dwelling – demolish existing porch, erect flat roof extension with glazed lantern and install dormer window on rear (west elevation), erect steps on side (south elevation) and install dormer window on east elevation at Casa-Loco, Rue de la Perruque.

Comh-Fiontar Ltd – variations to works previously approved for unit three – install three new rooflights and enlarge balcony on west elevation and install flue at Hillside, Route du Tertre.

Mr and Mrs C. Fish – erect an oak-framed double garage at Le Villocq Farmhouse, Rue du Candie, Le Villocq Lane.


Ms K. Newman – install one sign on north elevation and one sign on south elevation at West Grass Hangar, La Planque Lane.


Mr B. D. Tostevin – re-clad glasshouse (retrospective) at Ridgeway Vinery, Rue des Points.

Mr and Mrs R. Wragg – block up existing and create new vehicular access (protected building) at The Meadows, Route des Blicqs.


Mr M. Rolfe – remove part of existing earth bank to create vehicular access to front of property at Sorrento, Ruette Rabey.


Maxicorp Ltd – relocate external standby generator, demolish and alter planters at CSL House, Pitronnerie Road.

Mrs T. Corner – erect a porch (front elevation), install new and replacement windows and door (side and rear elevations), remove doorway and block up opening (side elevation), rebuild chimney stack, remove section of wall and hedge and reposition vehicular access and pillars at Belle Etoile, Les Ozouets Road.

Convent of Mercy — demolish existing extension and roadside wall and erect replacement flat roof extension and roadside wall. Erect a conservatory and alterations to windows and doors. Construct new walls, railings, gates, decking and ramp at Convent, Cordier Hill.

Sarnia Developments Ltd – install temporary hoarding at new site, Stanley Road/Route Isabelle.

Credit Suisse (Gsy) Ltd – install a standby generator to lower car park at Mill Court, La Charroterie.

Public Services Department – refurbish berths four, five and six at White Rock container berth.


Miss J. Stuckey – demolish existing conservatory and erect flat roof extension to rear of property. Install two windows at ground floor level on east elevation and erect replacement and higher wall on west side at La Soucique, Rue des Pointues Rocques.

The head teacher – erect external shelter and install double doors at St Mary and St Michael School, Rue des Monts.

Mr and Mrs J. Guillemet – extend and alter dwelling, erect extension to existing wing on side (east) of property at Newgrove, Les Effards Road.

Guernsey Water – install an underground water tank/pump chamber at Marais Stream pumping station, Belgrave Lane.

Sandpiper CI Ltd – convert existing shop to create three dwellings with associated amenity space and car parking. Carry out associated alterations, including raising ridge height at front (west) and installing two dormer windows and chimneystack at Sandy Hook Shopper, Sandy Hook, L'Islet.

Northerners Athletic Club – create three

new games pitches, alter vehicular access from Grand Fort Road, create car parking area, remodel existing groundsman's store and erect earth banks and associated landscaping at Les Effards Vinery and North Field, Les Effards Road.


Mr R. McDougal – erect new storage shed on north-west elevation at Les Comtes Farm, Rue des Comtes.


Inspired Developments Ltd – demolish existing garage and lean-to extension and part of boundary hedge and extend and alter dwelling to side and rear, including rooflights. Remove existing dormer windows to rear and install four rooflights and balcony extension. Install two dormer windows, glazed entrance porch and alter ground floor windows to front of property. Erect boundary fence to side at La Saine De La Mare, Route de l'Aitte.


Mr M. S. Page and Miss A. S. Keller – internal alterations (protected building) at Les Mares Pellees, La Mares Pellees Road.

Mrs D. Alvis – demolish section of roadside wall to widen existing vehicular entrance at front (north) by 1.8m and install gate at La Greve, Le Hurel, L'Ancresse.

Mr B. and Mrs N. Colley – erect first floor extension, including dormer window on south side at Trillium, Pleinheaume Road.

Mr M. Sirett – change of use of garage to a hairdressing salon at Halkidiki, La Rue de la Haie, Les Prins.

Mr G. Munro – fell four leylandii trees and erect shed at rear boundary of site (south) at Martin-Pecheur, Les Halcylons, Route du Picquerel.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the notice.

Applications are normally reported in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this might appear before the site notice is erected.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port during the hours of 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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