Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 5 July, 2011

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Hawthorn Ltd – demolish outbuildings and erect feed store, farm machinery shed and lock up at Route des Talbots.

Mr and Mrs P. Preston – demolish existing and erect replacement dwelling at Glenside, La Mare Estate, La Rocquette.

Mr S. J. Searle – install a catslide dormer window with patio doors and install balcony (rear elevation) at Valmont, Les Beaucamps.

Miss T. Gilliland – demolish greenhouse at rear (east) and erect single storey pitched roof extension with two rooflights and flat roof glazed link at 3, West View Court, Rue des Renouards, Le Feugre.

Miss S. Roze – change of use of part of dwelling to beauty treatment salon at The Beach House, Les Carteret Mews, Cobo.


Mr and Mrs Patch – variations to previously approved works to erect replacement dwelling – alter position of chimney and alter windows and doors at The Hawthorns, Rue du Manoir.


Mr D. Crowsley and Ms C. A. Goodall – demolish stables at rear (south) and erect replacement, remove three conifer trees at The Paddock, Ruette des Norgiots.


Mr and Mrs M. Noyon – install one dormer window and three rooflights at Avenir, La Route des Cornus.

Heath Investments Ltd – remove wall along La Grande Rue and erect bollards at Old Bank Chambers, La Grande Rue.

Mr and Mrs D. Langlois – demolish conservatory and erect a new one inside north-west site boundary at Caseta Avenue, Rue Maze.

MDA Management Company Ltd – variations to plans previously approved – install a new window at roof level (west elevation) and install a rooflight in existing flat roof at Maison des Arbres, Les Hubits de Haut.

Miss W. Lewis – demolish garage and erect two storey extension (north elevation) at Amberley, Les Frieteaux.

Mr and Mrs P. Jones – remove wall pillars on roadside entrance and erect driveway wall at L'Abri, Les Merriennes.

Mr and Mrs S. C. Ellis – remove chimney stack and alter roof and roof pitch on north elevation (protected building) at Holly Tree House, La Grande Rue.

Mr D. Torode – remove chimney, increase ridge height (part section) of flat roof extension and block up window to east elevation at Willow Mead, Rue des Hurettes.

Mr J. W. Higgs – create vehicular access over a stream at Sunray, La Ruette du Navet.

Mr and Mrs S. Ingrouille – demolish sun lounge and erect extension at rear of property at Pres du Puits, Ville Amphrey.

Mr and Mrs D. Grimshaw – variations to works previously approved to erect replacement dwelling – alter and install windows (sides and rear elevations), install air source heat pump (rear elevation). Revised at Les Vents Doux, Jerbourg Road.


Jubilee General 3 Ltd – vary condition two of previous permission PAPP/2007/2016 to change the use of retail units 2 and 3 from retail use class 14, to retail use classes 14, 15 and 16, to allow sale or display goods for retail sale, and sale of food for consumption on, or off, the premises at retail unit 2 and 3, Royal Terrace, Glategny Esplanade.

Ms M. MacGregor – variations to previously approved works to demolish garage and erect replacement with extension to rear for disabled facilities at Glen Shee, Courtil St Jacques.

Mrs I. Simon – erect a fence at Tottington, 3, La Planque Estate, La Planque.

Building and Design Consultants – re-render facade and replace dormer windows at Contree Mansell Stores, Contree Mansell.

Mr M. Gallienne – temporarily remove shop front at 28, Fountain Street.

Alpha Estates Ltd – change of use of unit 1 from retail (use class 16) to estate agency (use class 21) at 20, Mansell Street.


Mr and Mrs C. Le Marchant – install rooflight to rear of property at Le Fontenelle Cottage, Les Arquets.

Mr and Mrs P. Birtwistle – erect a garden shed at Gainsborough Lodge, Rue de la Folie.

Mr and Mrs H. Ball – erect rear extension onto existing glass structure at Marchcroft, Rue de L'Aitte.


Jupiter Administration – erect a sign to front of property (retrospective) at Mont Crevelt House, Rue Dorey.

Ironbridge Estates Ltd – erect new fencing, gazebo and replace paving (retrospective), erect replacement tearoom conservatory at Oatlands, Les Gigands.

Aladdin's Cave Ltd – variations to previously approved works – erect glazed porch with glazed overhang, seven illuminated bollards, relocate signage and realign car parking spaces at Aladdin's Cave, Les Canus.

Mr and Mrs M. Collenette – relocate oil tank adjacent to garage at The Elms, Pleinheaume Lane.

Mr S. Moncrieff – remove two chimney stacks at Moonshine, Route Carre.

Mr S. Shrigley – erect two garden sheds (north-west boundary area) at Die Insel and Laurel Cottage, Les Petites Mielles.

Mr J. Williams – demolish existing and erect replacement dwelling at Maison de Pulias, Route de Pulias.


Mr S. J. Walters – install a fuel tank and carry out repair works to barn at Les Jetteries Farm, Rue des Massies.

Mr and Mrs J. Petit – extend dwelling (rear elevation) at Wind of Change, La Biloterie Road.


Mr and Mrs D. Ozanne – erect extension to the rear of the dwelling and create covered area at Mardavia, Route des Laurens.

Mr R. Lovering – erect oak-framed garage at side (south-west) at La Roche Douvre, Rue de Rougeval.


Mr B. Mahy – erect replacement fence at side (north-west) at Le Recoin, La Blanche Carriere.

Ms J. Carre – variations to works previously approved – extend dwelling at The Farmhouse, La Mazotte.

Mr and Mrs G. Wade – erect a conservatory (south-west elevation) and a garage (north east elevation) at Havelock, Bunker Hill.

Mr and Mrs D. Preston – variations to previously approved plans to extend and associated alterations – alter chimneys and parapets, install gable window (west elevation) at Les Goubeys Farm, Grandes Mielles Lane.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.

Applications are normally published in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this might appear before the site notice is erected.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, during the hours of 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.

Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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