Guernsey Press

'It costs around £50k to relocate every teacher'

EDUCATION spends about £50,000 on each teacher who relocates to the island, a former college teacher has claimed.


EDUCATION spends about £50,000 on each teacher who relocates to the island, a former college teacher has claimed.

John Carr, who reached the end of his five-year licence in August and is fighting to stay in the island, said the department spends millions on relocation costs and rent subsidies just to keep the island's schools and colleges staffed with teachers.

The 50-year-old said Education offered UK teachers a package of trips and support to attract them to the island, but after five years made no effort to keep them, despite the money that had been invested.

Education was contacted yesterday morning to comment on the claims, and to provide the number of teachers living here on licence, but a spokeswoman said that was too short a time frame to respond.

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