Guernsey Press

Wayne comes home to die but 'struggles' to get treatment

AFTER leaving to escape his chequered past 18 years ago, Wayne Swales has returned to the island to die.


AFTER leaving to escape his chequered past 18 years ago, Wayne Swales has returned to the island to die.

An alcoholic, he was diagnosed four years ago with liver disease.

With between five and 10 years left to live, he needs treatment to stay comfortable but says receiving it here has been a struggle.

A transplant is also out of the equation because, he said, having 'messed up' his own, there were more worthy recipients in the world.

Leaving his UK doctor behind three-and-a-half months ago, the 41-year-old said he was now battling with Guernsey's health services.

  • Read the full story in the Guernsey Press. Click here for subscription details. Individual editions are now available online.

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