Education forced to reveal GCSE result figures
JUST 12% of pupils at La Mare de Carteret High achieved five or more GCSE's at A* to C including English and maths this year, Education has been forced to reveal.
JUST 12% of pupils at La Mare de Carteret High achieved five or more GCSEs at A* to C including English and maths this year, Education has been forced to reveal.
The pass rate including English and Maths is the benchmark used in England to judge whether schools are succeeding.
Education minister Carole Steere (pictured) announced the breakdown of the High School pass rates after a question in the States by Deputy Jane Stephens.
The department had for weeks refused to release the information.
Deputy Steere said there were general issues with performance of pupils at La Mare de Carteret in the core subject of English, Maths and Science and the school was already turning around performance in these areas.
Education was still by a majority opposed to league tables – Deputy Steere said it could potential damage well being and morale of pupils and staff.
Full details in Thursday's Guernsey Press