Guernsey Press

Call for an external review of Education

EDUCATION should be forced to undergo a rigorous external inspection after information it was required to release showed two of Guernsey's high schools are failing to meet standards set in England.


EDUCATION should be forced to undergo a rigorous external inspection after information it was required to release showed two of Guernsey's high schools are failing to meet standards set in England.

Deputy Jane Stephens (pictured) called for the review after Education finally disclosed individual school stats showing how many students from the three high schools achieved five GCSEs at C or above including maths and English – the benchmark used in England.

While the target pass rate in England is 35% – soon to be increased to 50% – La Mare De Carteret and St Sampson's fell well below that figure.

Only 12% of La Mare students gained benchmark grades this year, 20% of St Sampson's pupils did – Les Beaucamps achieved a 37% pass rate.

  • Read the full story in the Guernsey Press. Click here for subscription details. Individual editions are now available online.

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