'Root and branch' Education review proposed
A ROOT-AND-BRANCH review of secondary education is needed to correct a 'basic failure in public services' following revelations about poor GCSE results, the chief minister has said in a damning statement.

A ROOT-AND-BRANCH review of secondary education is needed to correct a 'basic failure in public services' following revelations about poor GCSE results, the chief minister has said in a damning statement.
Deputy Lyndon Trott (pictured) said he would propose such a review to the Policy Council because he felt islanders, parents and students had been let down by Education.
'Islanders, like most members of the States, have been truly shocked by the performance of Guernsey's secondary schools,' he said.
'There has clearly been a basic failure in public services. This is unacceptable, not least to the pupils and parents that are being let down.'
UPDATE, 17:30, Friday 30/9/11
Deputy Tony Spruce has announced that he, too, is tendering his resignation from the Education Department.
He follows Deputies Carol Fletcher, Mike Collins and Matt Fallaize in making this move and leaves Deputy David de Lisle as the sole States member in the department.
More on this story and today's States' sitting in Saturday's Guernsey Press