Guernsey Press

Rabbit killers say they are sorry

TWO men have been arrested in connection with an incident that saw a rabbit battered to death.


TWO men have been arrested in connection with an incident that saw a rabbit battered to death.

Inspector Trevor Coleman confirmed yesterday that two men aged 26 and 24 were questioned and released on police bail, pending further investigation.

A video posted on the internet showed the men, named as Jim Bob and Christian, hitting the animal with a spade and laughing at it twitching afterwards. Throughout the incident on the cliffs, the pair exchanged banter, laughing to the camera and then crying out when the rabbit started moving rapidly again.

They said the animal had myxomatosis and needed to be put out of its misery. But animal welfare charity the GSPCA deplored the act, calling it despicable.

The 26-year-old, who would only give his name as Christian for fear of retribution, yesterday contacted the Guernsey Press to apologise for any 'upset the incident had caused the charity and members of the public'.

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